Chapter three

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"I can't believe you're letting me go with you Pine tree," Bill said.
"Yeah, whatever," Dipper replied.
Bill stopped walking.
"Hmm," he said putting his hand on his chin.
"What now?" Dipper exclaimed with a sigh.
"You're still wearing that stupid vest from 4 years ago," Bill said. "Here."
Bill walked up to Dipper and placed his hand on the vest.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Back up!" Dipper exclaimed, his face turning red.
Bill ignored him, and replaced his hand on Dipper's vest. Within a few seconds, it changed into a blue hoodie.
Dipper stood in shock.
"What?" Bill asked as he continued to walk. "Of all people Pine tree you should know I can manipulate matter. But for now, it's limited."
"What was that last part?" Dipper asked.
"It was nothing," Bill said quickly. "Are we going to the Mystery Shack, or are we just going to stand here until the sun sets?"
Dipper ran to catch up to Bill. They walked in silence.
"So I heard question mark is running the old shack," bill said.
"It's none of your business," Dipper replied.
They walked in silence for the rest of the way there. Once they got to the Mystery Shack, Dipper saw a familiar black limo.
"Oh no," Dipper said, suddenly jumpy.
"What's the hold up Pine tree? It's just a car."
"You don't understand it's-"
"Dipper!" Pacifica exclaimed.
"Hide!" Dipper quietly yelled at Bill.
Dipper shoved Bill into a near by bush.
"Hey!" Bill exclaimed. "I-"
Bill looked at Pacifica.
"Oh. It's the lama," Bill snarled under his breath.
"Dip dip it's so good to see you!" Pacifica exclaimed and wrapped her arms around Dipper's neck.
Bill grumbled from the bush.
"H-hey Pacifica," Dipper tried to sound happy, but it fell flat.
"What's wrong Dip dip? Not happy to see me?" Pacifica asked.
Yes! Dipper thought.
"No, no I'm just sick from the bus ride here," Dipper lied.
"Well feel better!" Pacifica exclaimed, and gave Dipper a hug.
Dipper lightly hugged Pacifica, and looked behind her. Her parents were watching from not too far away.
Don't screw this up Dipper, Dipper thought to himself. Don't let them have the Mystery Shack.
"So I was thinking we could go to the lake tomorrow," Pacifica said releasing Dipper from her hug, and grabbing his hands.
"Sure," Dipper said, trying to sound happy. "It sounds like a lot of fun."
"Awesome! See you tomorrow at ten!"
Pacifica waved goodbye, and walked towed her limo.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Dipper said after her.
After the limo left Bill crawled out of the bushes.
"Sooooooo," Bill said. "You and the Lama."
"Ew not in a million years!" Dipper exclaimed.
"Then why-"
"It's complicated," Dipper finished. Let's just get you inside me and Mabel's room without anyone knowing."
The two grunkles were outside on the porch, talking with one another. Dipper and Bill snuck through the back door, and ran upstairs. Dipper creaked the door open. There was no one there. Dipper gestured Bill to follow him in.
After Dipper closed the door Bill jumped onto Dipper's bed.
"Where's shooting star?" Bill asked.
Dipper noticed a note on Mabel's bed.
Dip, it said. I went to Candy's house for a sleepover. Hope you don't mind.
Bill put his chin on Dipper's shoulder and read the note.
"Get off my shoulder, Bill," Dipper said blushing. But when Bill didn't move, Dipper didn't shove him off.
Eventually Dipper grabbed his backpack and started to unpack.
"Sense Mable isn't here you can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on Mabel's," Dipper decided. "I don't trust you yet."
"Yet?" Bill asked, leaning into Dipper.
"I mean ever!" Dipper quickly said.
"Mhm," Bill said smiling.
"Whatever. Here, take this,"
Dipper threw Bill a t-shirt and shorts.
"Take this and change in the bathroom," Dipper said.
When Bill left, Dipper changed, and plopped onto Mabel's bed.
"Why can't I just hate him?" Dipper whispered to himself. "He tried to destroy the world. So why do I feel this way?"
"Feel what way?" Bill asked, hanging down from the rafters.
"Ah!" Dipper fell over.
"Hahaha!" Bill laughed.
"Don't do that!" Dipper exclaimed.
"Dipper!" A rough voice came from downstairs. It was Grunkle Stan.
"Are you alright Dipper?" Grunkle Ford asked. "You're making a lot of noise up there."
"Yeah! I'm fine! Just stubbed my toe!" Dipper shouted downstairs.
"Be careful Bill, remember the deal?"
Scolded Dipper.
"Relax Pine tree," Bill said. "I didn't forget."
Bill climbed down, and jumped into Dipper's bed. Dipper turned off the lights.
"I can't believe I'm saying this," Dipper muttered. "Night... Bill."
As dipper fell asleep, Bill stayed awake. Past twelve o'clock, then one o'clock, then two. Bill finally got up and looked down at Dipper. Dipper's face was twisted. His eyebrows furrowed, and he twisted in his sleep.
"Pine tree," Bill trailed off.
Bill placed his hand slightly on Dipper's forehead. His hand glowed with blue fire. Dippers face relieved itself. Bill gasped for air, and fell onto the floor. After a few minutes of heavy breathing, Bill finally had the strength to stand. Bill kissed Dipper's forehead. Bill climbed into his borrowed bed.
"Good night Pine tree," Bill whispered, before he fell sound asleep.
Thanks for reading another chapter. Idk. I'm fan girling over this chapter. Hehe. Welp!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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