Chapter forty two

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MAbel strained her ears, trying to hear more.
"What do you want?" Pacifica asked, crossing her arms, and leaning on her door frame.
"INformation," Fiddleford the brown haired agent spoke. "To put this bluntly, we can help you if you help us."
"What 'information' Do you need?" She asked with a wicked smile on her face.
The agents looked at each other.
"Let's go somewhere more. . . Private."
Pacifica lead THEm down the long corridors, and into a small study room. They shut the door behind them, leaving Mabel outside. Mabel tried eavesdropping on their conversation, but to no avail. Suddenly, the door swung open, almost crashing into Mabel. She quietly Ran into the next room, hiding close to the door.
"We need to act fast," one of the voices said. "We can't let this happen like last time."
"Wait!" Pacifica called from thE room. "What about me?"
The two agents stopped walking at the room Mabel was hiding in. She held her breath.
"We'll be with you Shortly. For now, we'll be on our way."
The two agents began to continue waking.
MAbel slipped into the hallway, quickly diving into each empty room so she wouldn't be spotted. She ran out of the same window she went in, and ran down to the creek. She found Gruncle Stan Pacing around his car, kicking twigs and rocks as he went past.
"Pumpkin! what took you so long? I thought you were cAught!" Gruncle Stan ran over to his great niece, and gave her a hug.
"Sorry, things got a bit complicated."
Mabel began to tell her Gruncle everything.
"We have to make a plan and fast. They're not going to wait for long," Mabel started to freak out.
"Hey, it's going to be alright!" Gruncle Stan put his hands on Mabel's shoulders. "We'll go home and tell Ford and Dipper what happened. They're the smartest two nerds I know. They'll know what to do, alright?"
Mabel nodded.
"Let's go."
Mabel pushed the car, while Gruncle Stan floored the gas. After Mabel got in, they flew down the streets of Gravity Falls, trying to get back to the Mystery Shack.

"Gruncle Ford," Dipper broke the silence.
"What is it, boy?" He asked.
"Some of the pages are ripped out of your journal. What happened?"
"Some things are best not to keep in words, or a book. Their scriptures are wild and crazy. They jump from page to realIty, becoming a threat to whom ever obtains the pages."
Dipper nodded slowly. "So how does this recipe work? And why did you strain it through unicorn hair? I didn't think we had anymore."
"I found some in the back. But this recipe, it'll destroy that salamander starting on a molecular level. It'll spread throughout it's body until there's Nothing left."
Dipper shivered.
"It looks like St- I mean Mabel and Stan are back. Let's see what they were up to."
As Dipper made his way out of the lab, Gruncle Ford stayed behind, grabbing the medicine bottle from Dipper's sweatshirt pocket. He grinned, and took it, pouring out the fever medicine, and replaced it with the new solution. He grabbed Dipper's sweatshirt, and put the medicine bottle back inside. He went back upstairs with the sweatshirt to find everyone in the gift shop.
"We need a plan," Gruncle Stan said, popping open a Pitt Cola.
Dipper took his sweatshirt from Gruncle Ford.
"Gruncle Ford, can you start brainstorming ideas on how to beat the government? I need to give Bill his medicine."
"Do you seriously think Bill is more important than-" Mabel was stopped by Gruncle Ford.
"I got it, Dipper. Stay here and think of a plan. I'll go take care of Bill."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm counting on YOU," Gruncle Ford smiled, flicking Dipper's hat.
Dipper began to squeal, but coughed, regaining his cool, and began talking to the others. Gruncle Ford, or Axoford walked upstairs, and into the twins' room.
"Hey, Sixer," Bill coughed. "Where's Pine Tree?"
"He's taking a nap," he lied. "Here, I got you your mediCine."
Axoford filled the medicine cAp with the new solution, and gave it to Bill. He drank it, immediately regretting it.
"That was awful!" Bill coughed agaiN. "What was that?"
Axoford smiled.
"You're Time to fill your trade."

Hey pplz, Hero here, and thank you so much for reading another chapter! I know I need to start writing more often, but luckily I'm on break, so I fInally have More time. Well, that is if I can Actually finish studies. Anyways, I actually drew somethinG! What a miracle!

It started off really bad thought, thIs was just a poster for a history class

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It started off really bad thought, thIs was just a poster for a history class. Look how bad it was in the beginning:

 Look how bad it was in the beginning:

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Nice. But anyways, Happy Holidays! What do y'all want for a preseNt? More chapters? Probably not. Answers to the book? Well... kinda.  I'm thinking of doing a Q/A thing. And yeah, I did that tag thing last chaptEr. How original am I, right? But starting, well, I guess today, to maybe Tuesday, December 19th, I can answer questions, but I can't guarantee to answer them all. Nothing too crazy (this is my super lame holiday present to you guys [and gals, and thems]). Welp! Have fun theorizing! And Happy Holidays!!!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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