Chapter forty nine

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Dipper looked at the small contraption.
"Do you think it'll work? Mabel asked.
"I'm not sure," Gruncle Ford replied, "but we can't exactly rest it out. The best we can do is hope it will."
The room turned red, and the air filled with the sounds of alarms. Gruncle Stan sprinted to the screaming monitors.
"Incoming!" he screamed.
Dipper dove under the metal table, while Mabel squeezed into a cupboard. While their Gruncles were nowhere to be seen. An explosion rattled the shelter, making Dipper sick to his stomach. He knew it could only be one thing. He heard himself breathing rapidly, knowing it wouldn't be long until he'd break through the shelter's roof. The ceiling shattered like glass as Axolotl flew inside the shelter. He instantly sensed Dipper's presence, and bent down, looking under the table.
"Aw, don't want to come out?" Axolotl asked.
Dipper reached for his gun, but was unable to move. He felt himself sliding out of his hiding spot, and thrown into the air. He struggled, but was unable to escape Axolotl's telekinetic grip. Mabel had already armed her gun, and slowly opened the cupboard she was hiding in. She held her breath, as her finger wrapped around the trigger. Axolotl sighed.
"Do you honestly think you can shoot me, Star?"
Mabel fired her gun, but the shot was deflected into the sky, exploding. Mabel was pulled out of the cupboard, and up into the sky.
"Anyone else?" Axolotl asked, looking around.
Gruncle Stan rolled up his sleeves and was about to run to his family's side, but his brother held him back.
"We won't be any help, he's too strong!" Gruncle Ford whispered.
"What use would we be if we're caught?"
Gruncle Stan growled, "I hate this."
"So do I, but there's nothing we can do."
Axolotl shrugged, and calmly separated Dipper and his gun. He fiddled with the trigger, whipped around, and shot the monitor before flying out of the bomb shelter with the two children of the stars.
Gruncle Ford let out a sigh of relief, and pulled the portal collapser out of his inside pocket. It was slightly bigger than his six-fingered hand, and quietly blinking.
"Come on," Gruncle Ford shouted.
He ran for the exit, with his twin brother right on his heels.

Come Cipher, Bill screamed in his mind, you can't stay here! You need to move!
Bill yelled in frustration and determination as he used the last of his energy breaking free of the chains around his neck and limbs. He flew like a rocket out of the whirlpool, and collapsed onto the docks. For the first time in weeks, he didn't need to use his energy.
"Now," Bill gasped, tightening his bow tie once again, "I need to save Pine Tree."
He tried flying away, but he just jumped in place.
Bill tried something else. He decided to try and disintegrate a wad of moss growing on the side of the docks. The moss lost a bit of it's grip on the wooden plank and slightly changed color, but didn't turn to ash, or fully die.
"Perfect, we're all here."
Bill whipped around to find Axolotl, with the Pines twins in his grasp.
"Let them go!" Bill shouted.
Axolotl rolled his eyes, "What a cliche."
Axolotl rose part of the lake, and tightly wrapped it around Bill's body. He was hoisted into the air, along with the Pine's twins. Axolotl spread them out into a triangle shape, with Dipper being at the top, Bill on the left, and Mabel on the right.
"Pine Tree!" Bill screamed as Axolotl squeezed his body tighter.
"He's not conscious," Axolotl grinned, "and neither is his sister."
Each time Bill tried using his power, his energy drained twice as fast as it should, while he was squeezed like a child tightly hugging a new teddy bear. He could feel himself slowly blacking out and eventually, he couldn't continue. He felt his eyes slowly close, not sure if they would ever open again. His last sight was Axolotl, using him, as well as his beloved Dipper and classical Mabel, to for fill the the stars' prophecy.

Hey peoples, Hero here, and thank you so much for reading another chapter! I tried making the ending a bit less cliche, but I wasn't sure what to write. I've been sick all week, again, and I still kinda am, so sorry if this isn't the best written chapter. (I had to stop writing yesterday because of a headache.) I had a bit of time to draw though. I found a template for the "draw my squad thing" that I thought was really funny, so yeah:

 I found a template for the "draw my squad thing" that I thought was really funny, so yeah:

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(The nerd in the middle is me). Thanks again so much for reading, and have an axtra good day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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