Chapter twenty

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Why now? Bill thought.
The doorknob behind him clicked. Bill almost jumped in surprise, but it was only Mabel.
"Hey we're back," Mabel muttered.
"Hey Shooting Star," Bill said, sighing, "You're back early. What's up? Don't tell me Pine Tree actually hooked his hand."
"No, Dipper's fine," Mabel sighed, obviously disappointed.
"What's up?" Bill awkwardly asked.
"It's not a big deal, I just wish we didn't leave the lake so early," Mabel replied, setting down her tote bag.
"Why did you leave?" Bill asked, suddenly intrigued.
"Why do you want to know?" Mabel shot back.
For a moment, they stood in silence. Mabel took a deep breath.
"Sorry, Bill, I know you're trying this whole 'being good ordeal' but I'm sorry, I still don't trust you."
Bill nodded understanding.
Mabel let out a chuckle.
"And to think Dipper trusted you first. You know how he was a few years ago."
"Shooting Star, I need to talk to you," Bill said seriously.
Suddenly frightened of what it could be, Mabel carefully reached for her mini quantum destabilizer.

"Sorry again for the short trip, kiddo," Gruncles Stan sighed.
"No need for apologies, it happens," Dipper smiled.
"I know, I just wish we could spend more time together," Gruncle Stan replied.
"How about this, what if once you feel better, we all go on a mystery hunt around the forest?" Gruncle Ford proposed. "We haven't done that in a while."
"That sounds awesome!" Dipper said, excitedly.
"Sounds great, Ford," Gruncle Stan agreed.
"I'll get lunch set up," Gruncle Ford said, going into the kitchen. His brother followed him.
What's taking Mabel so long? Dipper thought. Dipper grabbed his backpack and headed upstairs.

Bill took a deep breath. "The agents, that uh, well."
Mabel grabbed the gun, and armed it.
Bill cleared his throat. "Dipper told me everything, what happened between you and the Northwest's. I wanted to uh, I wanted to say, the uh, that um."
Mabel wrapped her finger around the trigger.
"The Northwest's, they... They called the agents."
Mabel pulled out her gun.
"Whoa!" Bill exclaimed, putting his hands up.
"You told them to call them!" Mabel shouted, tears in her eyes.
"Shooting Star relax!" Bill exclaimed, backing up. "I-"
"You told them to come here!" Mabel pointed the gun at Bill's head.
"Let me explain!" Bill started.
The doorknob twisted, and Dipper walked into the room.
"Hey Mabel, what's taking so-" Horrified, Dipper dropped his backpack, and tackled Mabel to the ground, knocking the gun away.
"Dipper get off!" Mabel exclaimed, struggling to grab the gun. Dipper kicked it again once more.
"What were you doing?" Dipper asked. "I thought you going to watch him, not kill him!"
"The agents know!" Mabel said, struggling against her brother.
Dipper stopped wrestling his sister, and Mabel pushed him off.
Dipper and Mabel gasped for air.
"Is-is it true?" Dipper asked on his hands and knees, looking down at the ground. His pine tree cap fell off his head. "Did the agents know?"
"Pine Tree, I-"
Dipper stood up, and grabbed Bill by the shirt collar.
"Do the agents know?" Dipper shouted in Bill's face.
Bill hesitated. "Yes, they know."
Dipper shoved Bill away.
"Pine Tree, I didn't-"
Tears welded in Dipper's eyes. "Leave," he whispered.
"Just go," Dipper's voice was barely a whisper.
There was a small part of Dipper that wanted Bill to stay, but he didn't. Instead, Bill left the Mystery Shack, tears in his eyes, and ran into the forest.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! Whoa! It's not even half way into the story, and already this! Drama! What do you think Bill?
Love ya to pal! I know it's kind of a short chapter but I'm evil and I wanted to leave it at a cliff hanger. It feels like the tale of two Stans all over again. But anyways!

 But anyways!

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Have an awesome evening (or whatever time it is when your reading it)Be brave

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Have an awesome evening (or whatever time it is when your reading it)
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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