Chapter thirty two

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Bill felt a tear roll down his cheek.
Huh? Bill touched his face. What... is this? Am I... crying?
Bill was barley able to stand. He slowly made his way over the the Pines. Dipper and Mabel looked at him, tears in their eyes. Gruncle Stan said nothing. He grabbed his brother, and slung him over his shoulder. He silently made his way to his own car, the other was smashed. Dipper ran over and gave Bill a hug.
"I_ I'm so sorry, I thought we had this," Dipper whispered, hugging Bill tighter.
Bill ran his fingers through Dipper's hair, knocking his cap off of his head.
"It's alright. It's not your fault, nor is it Sixer's."
"Bill," Mabel was barley able to speak without her voice cracking, "what happened to Ford?"
"I- I don't know," Bill lied.
"Yes you do!" Gruncle Stan ran at Bill, tackling him to the ground. "Ford told me something was up, but I didn't believe him! I had to give you a chance! I stood up for you, and this is how you repay me?"
Bill tried staying up, but he stepped on his bad ankle, and collapsed.
"Gruncle Stan wait!" Dipper screamed, knocking him off of Bill.
"Dipper-" Mabel couldn't move. She stood in shock, still unable to process what was going on. She shook her head, and helped her brother.
"Gruncle Stan he didn't possess Gruncle Ford," Dipper tried to reason.
"How would you know?" Gruncle Stan spat. "You're just saying that because you like him!"
"Gruncle Stan that's not true!" Mabel struggled to keep her great uncle away from Bill. "Gruncle Ford never said Pine Tree, or Shooting Star, just Little Dipper, and Star. Bill wouldn't call us that. Besides, he was still conscious in the grass. He has to leave his physical form to possess someone."
Gruncle Stan stopped struggling.
"Gruncle Stan, please," Dipper looked at him, square in the eyes. "Believe us."
They were silent, only the wind spoke through the grass and air.
"Let's go," Gruncle Stan said, getting up.
He walked to the car, leaving the younger twins to help Bill. They both went on one side of Bill, and became a crutch for him to use. They slowly made their way to the car, and drove off.
* * *
Bill flinched as Dipper wrapped his twisted ankle.
"Hey," Bill started, "thanks... for not killing me."
Dipper finished the wrap, and looked at Bill with a confused look.
"I mean, old Fez might've killed me, but, I mean-"
"It's alright," Dipper replied, starting to wrap Bill's arm. "I... kinda want to keep you around."
Dipper looked up at Bill with a smile on his face. Bill let out a little chuckle. Bill took off Dipper's pine tree cap.
"I think you look better without it."
Dipper reached upwards, and took off Bill's eye patch.
"I think you look better without this." Dipper smiled.
They both leaned in, until only their faces were only an inch apart. Slowly, they pressed their lips together, sinking into a sweet kiss. They slowly pulled apart, only realizing what happened afterward.
"Oh my gosh!" Dipper stammered "I don't know what happened I-"
"I... liked it," Bill blushed.
"I... did too," Dipper barley whispered.
"You're going to have to get closer," Bill whispered back. "I can't hear you from so far away.
They both leaned in again, but was stopped by a loud, awkward cough.
"Oo!" Mabel teased.
They both looked up. Their faces burned with embarrassment.
"Haha! Get caught nerds! Hahaha!" Mabel ran off giggling.
"Mabel!" Dipper shouted, flustered. He chased after his sister.
Bill slumped back in his chair, still trying to wrap around what just happened.
* * *
"What- Where-" Gruncle Ford awoke. "Ah, my head. Kids? Where are you? Stanley?"
Gruncle Ford tried reaching for his head, but his arms were chained.
"What?" Gruncle Ford struggled against the chains, but couldn't break free.
How's it been?
"It's you! Let me go!" Ford shouted.
You signed my contract.
"This isn't what I wanted."
What do you mean? You wanted to get rid of Bill Cipher, correct?
"Well yeah, but-"
But what, Stanford Pines? I'm holding my end of the bargain. And what are doing? Are you keeping your trade?
"This isn't a trade," Gruncle Ford gritted through his teeth.
Oh? And how so?
"When someone trades with another, they're both supposed to get something."
But in doing so, they both give something up. It doesn't matter the cost.
This is getting out of hand, Gruncle Ford thought.
"And what cost is that?" He asked.
Mhm hm hm. You'll see. Until next time, Stanford Pines.

Gruncle Ford jolted awake. He wasn't lying down, but instead he was held up by rope, almost like he was standing. In the corner of the room, his other twin stood shaking, holding a baseball bat, ready to swing.
"Stanley, what is this? Let me go."
"It's- are you-" he stammered.
"It's him," Bill said, from a nearby desk.
"Bill! What have you done with my family?" Ford shouted.
"Gruncle Ford, just stop."
Dipper stood up from the desk, and helped Bill up. He helped him walk closer to Ford. Only when they walked into the light did Ford realize how damaged Bill was. A wrap around his arm, and foot.
"What... happened?" Gruncle Ford asked.
"We were kinda hopping you would tell us," Gruncle Stan said, lowering his weapon.
"We were fighting the monster, and you and Gruncle Stan use a car to run over it," Mabel explained. "All of a sudden you got out of the car, shot the monster, then shot at Bill."
"No, no I couldn't have, I-" Gruncle Ford searched for an explanation.
What have I done? Gruncle Ford asked. This... this is all wrong. I couldn't have. I mustn't have.
"It's true," Dipper looked at his great uncle. "You gave no warning, you just shot. No explanation, no remorse. Then you called me 'Little Dipper', and Mabel 'Star'."
"Gruncle Stan, did you encounter anything while you were fishing?" Mabel asked.
"We didn't! That's what scares me."
While the Gruncles, along with Mabel, were debating, Dipper noticed his Gruncle's fourth journal, laying on the control panel. Dipper snuck towards it, and took it, hiding it in his sweatshirt.
As Gruncle Ford was untied, Bill examined him further from a far.
It's- it's him. Bill thought, shocked. Axolotl. It's back.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter. Whoa. Plot stuff. But anyways, has anyone seen the Rick and Morty season 4 pilot thing? FORD'S IN IT! IN ALL OF HIS RED SWEATER GLORRY!
I think the animation was made by a fan... BUT WHO CARES. So I can't actually watch Rick and Morty (family issues), buuutttttttt I just read about spoilers and wut not. ANYWAYS. I didn't draw, again, I'm so far behind. So here's another hint.
T = C
C isn't = T
Have an awesome evening!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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