Chapter fifty eight

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Bill almost fell down the stairs as he walked back to his seat. Dipper was violently shaking next to him, so Bill wrapped his arm around him, pulling him closer. Dipper had to cover his mouth to stop him from screaming with grief. Bill's heart aches for the young boy. He felt he was still partially to blame for her leaving this world, but he never admitted it again after Dipper told him it wasn't. He zoned out, thinking back to all the times he had tormented the twins, even when he decided to try and slaughter them. Even so, she had accepted him into the family as one of them, even if it was just for a few months. Bill gripped Dipper harder, and squeezed him even closer.
Ford stood back up, trying to address the crowd, but his voice was scarcely audible.
"If everyone would follow me, we're going to drive to the funeral sight. Please remember to put those funeral stickers on your dashboard, so you don't get caught with a ticket."
It was a bit unnecessary, because both Sherif Blubs, and Deputy Durland were miraculously alive, and each were one of the people in the crowd.
Bill and Dipper shakily stood up at the same time. They held onto each other while walking out of the funeral home followed closely by Stan and Dipper's parents. The residents of the Mystery Shack got into the bright red mustang. Stan stuck on the neon funeral sticker on the bottom left of his dashboard before he turned on the car. While waiting for everyone to get in their cars, Bill finally noticed the state both of Dipper's great uncles were in. Ford was also shaking in his seat. Not as bad as Dipper, but it was still troublesome. Bill looked over at Stan, who was even worse. He noticed he had lost the color in his hands because he gripped the steering wheel too hard. After everyone stepped into their cars, Stan began to drive to the burial sight, followed by a river of cars. They got to the burial sight only in a few minutes. It was sunny that day, perhaps too sunny. The heat was hovering around a scorching one hundred degrees, but the Pines family refused to even take of their jacket. Bill looked at the huge structure they had bought for her. It was completely marble complete with stairs, two small benches on each side, and an enormous round-top tombstone, with a shooting star cut out at the left of the stone. There were four slots, with the top left one having the words "Mabel Pines, A Shooting Star Fallen Too Soon" engraved on the door to it. Everyone from the service stood around the structure. Everyone, but the boy who was visibly not bothered by a funeral for one of the most important people in Bill's life. It was strange, not having a body at their own funeral, but what was there to bury? Ford said a few more words before he let everyone leave. A few stuck around longer like Wendy and Soos, but eventually they had to leave too. Now it was just the Pines family, plus Bill, who was left.
Bill took off Dipper's jacket before he took off his own, and sat with him at one of the benches. They watched as Mr. Pines approached the twins.
"Stanford," he said facing Stan, "I think it's time for us to take our son home."
"What do you mean?" Stan asked.
"Look at him!" Mrs. Pines clenched her fists, and stormed over to them. She pointed her finger at her son. In a more hushed voice, she continued. "Our son has been grieving here, trapped by his admiration for you. I can't believe we even let you burry Mabel here."
"She would've wanted to be!" Bill stood up, fuming with rage.
"And how would you know?" She yelled at him. "For all I know you're just a stranger Mason met here, and a small summer love with. He'll forget you the moment he leaves this trash town."
That comment sent Bill of the edge. He clenched his fists, and was about to pummel the parents, when Ford shot him a warning glance.
Stan tried breaking the arguments, "While I appreciate your concerns-"
"It's more than a concern!" Mr. Pines budded in. "He's coming with us. Get up Mason, let's go."
Dipper didn't move from his spot. Mrs. Pines stomped over to the bench to grab him by the arm, Bill stood in front of him with his arms stretched out.
"Get out of my way," Mrs. Pines gritted through her teeth.
Bill shook his head, and let a tear sneak out of his eye. Ms. Pines tried going around him, but Bill moved to counter her. The mom took Bill's arm, and twisted it too far. Bill hear a pop come from his shoulder and clenched his teeth, to force him not to scream in pain. Mrs. Pines saw this as an opening, and tried to pass him, but Bill still stood his ground. Dipper got up from the marble bench, not looking up.
"Finally, the boy has a sense of reason. Let's go," Mr. Pines said.
"I'm not leaving," Dipper whispered. He looked up at his parents, rivers streaming down his face. "I'm not leaving to go back to that sorry excuse for a home. Unlike there, I have real friends here, a good family, and an amazing boyfriend. I can't throw it all away to go back to that loneliness, that silence that choked me for so long. I'm happy here, and I don't care what you think I should do. I know what I should do, you don't."
"Pine Tree-"
Dipper didn't wait for an answer. He tore off, up the hill, through graves, and plates on the ground. Bill tried following him, but his dislocated arm got twisted again.
"Don't even think about following him. You've caused enough trouble, you and your gay fantasies. It's absolutely disgusting. I-"
Bill looked behind Mrs. Pines to find Sheriff Blubs gripping her arm. Bill could feel the fury radiating off of him. He could also see Mr. Pines down on the ground, with Stan on top of him.
"I believe injuring a minor is a felony," Sheriff Blubs looked up at Mrs. Pines.
Ford walked over to Mrs. Pines, and screwed her wrist, so she would let go of Bill.
"Go after him," Ford smiled.
Bill smiled at him before sprinting after his love. He found Dipper sitting under a fig tree, sobbing with his knees up to his chest. Bill ran up to him, heavily breathing with the heat only making it worse. He plopped down next to him, with one knee up, and another stretched out next to him. Dipper leaned over to Bill shoulder and rested it there.
"My parents won't let me stay," Dipper admitted.
"I know."
"I really want to though. I want to stay here with you, and Gruncle Ford, and Gruncle Stan."
"I know."
"And what about they said, I'd never forget you! And if they think you're just one of those "summertime crushes" they're dead wrong!"
"I know."
Dipper took his head off of Bill's shoulder, and blushed as he leaned in for a longing kiss. Dipper pulled away after a few seconds. With their foreheads still touching, Bill began to speak.
"You know I'll always fight for you. I'll fight for us, and our love. Not even Axolotl himself could stop us."
Dipper let out a soft chuckle before sneaking in another short kiss. "I know."

*sniff* H-hey p-people, Hero here, *snort* thank you so much for reading another, and final chapter of this book. It sounds like I need to give Ms. Pines a copy of that "how to accept gays" book. Haha, but all joking aside, it was a crazy ride, and I'm so happy that even one person liked my book. But not just one person. In total, with the release of this chapter, we've hit 50,000 reads. It's such a milestone for me not just for my writing, but for my entire life. I remember my very very very first fanfic, I had about 6k reads for maybe 40 or so chapters. Now I know many many many people haven't reached that mark yet, but to not even a teenager, it's incredible (this was like. FOREVER AGO). Fast forward a few years, here I am sitting at around 50,000. It's truly a miracle, and thank you so much for the people who have even looked at the book. Sorry for rambling, still in the same mood I was a few hours ago.
I'm not sure if I want to do a sequel...

 I'm not sure if I want to do a sequel

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RELAX. It's partially because whenever I continue to write a story that I ended, the potion starts to slowly fade. And it took be around 2 hours to write this chapter. Still haven't eaten breakfast and it's almost lunch time, so that's fun. Again, a huge thank you to everyone, and have an awe-inspiring week!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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