Chapter twelve

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Just like that, a week past, and the summerween party would begin in only twenty two hours.
Dipper sat up from his floor bed, and looked over at Bill who was already asleep. Then he looked over at Mabel, who had her grappling hook in hand, looking like she was about to shoot it. Dipper looked back at Bill. He watched his heat rise and fall.
I wish I was up there with him. Dipper thought.
Dipper got up, and sat at the foot of his bed. The bed was too small for him to not sleep parallel to Bill, so Dipper leaned against the wall, and tried to dose off.
Dipper woke up once more, but not the way he was before. He was lying down, with someone's arms wrapped around him. His face immediately turned red, figuring out who's arms it was.
"My sapling," Bill whispered.
Dipper didn't shrug away from him. Instead, he fell asleep, better than he has in four years.
The next morning, Dipper woke up with his backside cold. He sat up, and barley was able to stay awake.
"Morning, Pine Tree," Bill said from across the room. He was already dressed for the costume store.
"Morning Dip!" Mabel exclaimed, jumping on Dipper. "Get up, we're going to the costume store in half an hour!" Mabel held up her invitation to the Summerween party. "It's a masquerade style thing, so get ready to choose a mask."
Dipper got dressed, only half aware of what happened the night before, and went downstairs.
"Morning, Dipper," Grunkle Ford greeted. "How did you sleep?"
Dipper shrugged. "Ok I guess."
"Morning, Grunkle Ford," Mabel exclaimed. "Where's Grunkle Stan?"
"He's making stancakes. Where are you two off to?"
"We're going to the Summerween store to get some masks for Pacifica's summerween party," Dipper yawned.
"Mind if I join you? I'd love to spend more time with my great niece and nephew," Grunkle Ford said.
Dipper yawned again. "Huh? Yeah, sure."
"Great. Let's eat something, and head out before the store gets too crowded."
Grunkle Ford left the room. Dipper was about to follow, until Mabel held him back.
"Dipper are you crazy?" Mabel whispered. "I thought Bill was coming with us."
"To the summerween store, yeah."
"Then why did you just let Grunkle Ford come with us?"
"What are you talking about?" Dipper asked, still half asleep. "I-"
"New plan, stancakes to go," Grunkle Ford said, coming into the room with pancakes in his hands. "Let's just go now."
Mabel looked at Dipper.
"Hang on, I forgot something upstairs," Dipper quickly slipped away, and ran upstairs.
"Bill," Dipper whispered, opening the door to the attic. "New plan. I accidentally invited Grunkle Ford to come with us, so you have to stay here."
Bill nodded, sitting back down on his temporary bed.
"I'll get you breakfast later."
Dipper left the room, leaving Bill alone in the attic.
Stupid Ford, getting in the way, Bill thought.
After the twins arrived at he Summerween store, they went looking for masks. Dipper chose a simple black mask, with blue waves on both cheeks, while Mabel chose an extravagant yellow mask that almost covers her entire face.
"Why yellow?" Grunkle Ford asked.
"It's the only one that has some kind of color to it. All the other ones are either gone, or too expensive."
Ford nodded slowly.
"Let's head to the registers," Dipper suggested.
"Next in line," a women shouted.
As Dipper and company walked over to the registers, they were greeted by a cashier with a familiar look.
"Wendy!" Dipper and Mabel said in unison, and ran over to hug their friend.
"Hey you guys! Hey Mr. Pines. How's it been?" Wendy asked. "How's your girlfriend Dipper?"
The Pines family never told anyone else about the "mishaps" with the Northwest's.
"She's good," Dipper said, shifting uncomfortably.
"When do you leave for college?" Mabel asked.
"Around the end of September. I have a while before my first semester."
Wendy rang up the two masks.
"Is this it?" She asked.
The twins nodded.
"Don't worry, it's on the house."
"Thanks Wendy," Dipper smiled.
"Any time. See you two around 'Kay?"
"See ya," Mabel waved goodbye.
"Too bad she's going to college already," Grunkle Ford said. "It would be nice for you two to hang out with her."
"It's alright, we'll probably hang out with her sometime next week," Dipper said, climbing into the driver's seat.
Once they drove home, Mabel grabbed an apple, and whispered to Dipper, "You go upstairs and give Bill this," She handed her brother the apple. "I'll go stall for the party."
Dipper nodded, and went upstairs.
"Bill, we're back," Dipper whispered, and walked into the room in the attic.
"Hey Pine Tree, how was the store?" Bill asked.
"We're are you?" Dipper looked around the room.
In the very corner near the closet, Bill sat in a pool of blood, gashes all along his body.
"Bill what did you do!?" Dipper asked, running over to him.
"I got bored," Bill shrugged. "I forgot how funny pain was."
"Bill you can't do that to yourself!" Dipper exclaimed, tears filled his eyes. "You can kill yourself!"
"Pine Tree, calm down-"
"I won't!" Dipper's tears ran down his face. "I could have lost you Bill!"
"I thought you hated me," Bill said shocked.
Dipper fell beside Bill. Ignoring the pool of blood, Dipper embraced him into his arms.
"Don't scare me like that," Dipper whispered.
"I won't," Bill whispered, wrapping his arms around Dipper. "Not anymore."
Thank you so much for reading another chapter. Let me just say... AUGH THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!!! Ok. I may or may not have purposely made y'all wait til either Wednesday, or Saturday for the Ball/party thing(wow I became folksy). Hehe I'm evil.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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