Chapter fifty three

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Bill and Mabel trekked through the bog surrounding the lake.

"What do you think happened to them?" Mabel asked, brushing the tall reeds aside.

"To be honest, I don't know," Bill quickly peered through the marsh, hoping to spot anyone he knew. Clouds raced quickly overhead, bringing a slight drizzle. "We should find shelter soon. It'll start pouring before you know it."

"But what about Gruncle Stan and Gruncle Ford? They're facing Axolotl all alone!" Mabel argued. She stopped and turned around, crossing her arms. "And what about Dipper? Do you just want to leave him floating up there, letting Axolotl do whatever he wants to do with us?"

Bill flinched, taken aback. He opened his mouth, but was too distraught to say anything.

Mabel sighed and continued to walk. "We have to at least make up a plan. Once we find-"

Thunder cracked overhead, making Mabel jump.

"Seriously, Shooting Star, if that lightening hits the lake, we won't be able to even try and save them," Bill gestured towards a cave close to the top of the cliff they were walking by. "Lets go."

"Fine," Mabel grumbled, beginning to climb the step rock wall.

They climbed in silence, tension building between them. Bill was about to step inside the cave, when Mabel pulled him backwards, and covered his heavy breathing with her hand. Bill shot her a confused look. Mabel used her other hand to quietly signal him to be quiet, and pointed at the ground. Between the small streams of rainwater rolling down the hill, a slight trail of blood was slowly fading away. Mabel uncovered Bill's mouth, signaling him to charge in three, two, one...

"Argh!" they both let out their battle cry, only to be greeted by a purple sword.

"Maddy? What are you doing here?" Mabel immediately pulled her into a hug.

"Ow! Ow! Not so close!" Maddy pulled away.

Mabel looked down to find her shirt was smothered in blood. She examined her new comrade, noticing a huge gash in her side.

"Maddy, what happened? How did you get us out of there?" Bill asked.

Maddy slid back down the cave wall, wincing with pain. "I was about to pull you guys back into my dimension when I noticed something wasn't right. I was about to look around when I saw Axolotl get a hold of you two and Dipper."

"How are you even able to travel through dimensions?" Bill asked, lighting a small fire in the middle of the cave.

"Yeah, its not like you have an interdimensional portal inside your basement, right?" Mabel asked, using absorbed rainwater in her tattered sweater to clean Maddy's side.

"No," Maddy gritted her teeth, "its more complicated than that."

Bill and Mabel looked up at the broken teenager.

Maddy starred down at the muddy ground, "I- signed a contract with Axolotl."

"You what?" Mabel scrambled backwards and outside of the cave.

First Gruncle Ford, and now Maddy? Mabel felt chills run up her spine. Who else has he manipulated?

The ground under her slowly broke away, leaving Mabel to fall down the cliff. In a split second, Both Bill and Maddy raced towards her, grabbing one of her hands. Lightning struck the surface of the lake, sending light waves to the shore. An ear-piercing roar rang soon after. They slowly dragged Mabel back into the cave.

"Thanks," she huffed, sprawled out on the ground.

Bill didn't respond. He looked out onto the lake, knowing he saw something. Maddy didn't respond either. She crossed her arms tightly, bracing for the next words that might come out of her mouth.

"I trust you, Maddy, but I need to know. What was your contract about?" Mabel asked, getting up.

Maddy closed her eyes, slowly breathing. Once she opened them again, her eyes changed into a sparkling sea green with a tint of blue.

"Hey friends," Axolotl spoke. "How's your little retreat going?"

"What do you want from us?" Mabel shouted at Axololt.

Bill still didn't turn around. He strained his eye, trying to identify who or what was moving around on the lake.

"What I want from you? Oh Star, it's not what I want from you, it's what I want you to do."

Bill could only slightly make out the pink, spiky hair Axolotl had. But there were three other dark blurred spots on the water.

"Get Little Dipper's little boy friend and yourself down to the lake, or I'll throw one of these stupid earthlings into my portal. Hmm, I wonder which one would survive the vast hell in my dimension. Maybe the six-fingered one? He's survived crossing multiple dimensions already. What about his twin? They both look so weak, I wonder how they'll deal with the crushing weight of knowing they were abandoned. Or Maybe-"

Bill turned around, realising what was going on.

"How about the one with the blue Pine Tree hat. I'm sure he'd make the perfect burried treasure under the waves. Wouldn't you like that, Bill Cipher?" Maddy's mouth grinned unnaturally wide.

Bill turned back around to face the lake. His mind whirled, much like the whirlpool. It seemed to spin faster and faster with each passing second.

"I'll give you untill the storm passes," his laughter slowly faided away as Maddy's eyes turned brown again.

Maddy gasped as she regained control, coughing up more blood. She slowly wiped it away with her wrist. "We have to go."

Hey pplz, Hero here, and thank you so much for watching another chapter! This one took a bit longer than I thought, but luckly I had today off to write! And I'm out of wrestling for a bit, I can't even do two sets of pull-ups without doubling over, so now I have a lot of time. Not saying it's a good thing, but idk, just sharing some news. Sorry if the spacing is a bit weird. Still trying to get used to writing on a computer. I hope you have a Maddnificaint week!

Be brave.

Stay strong.

Always shine!


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