Chapter twenty five

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Mabel jumped off a rotting log.
"Bill!" Her voice grew rough.
I've been out here for hours, Mabel thought. I've never really noticed how big the forest is until now. Where can he be?
Mabel heard rustling leaves. She quickly turned around, getting her hopes up, but it was just a gnome, scurrying along the forest floor.
Mabel sighed, and leaned on a large oak tree. She sat down, and pulled her phone out of her backpack.
Gruncle Stan: Hey pumpkin, when are you getting home? It's been a few hours already, and Ford's cooking again. We need your cooking.
Dipper: Hey Mabel, did you find you know who yet?
Dipper: any trails?
Dipper: Mabel you there?
Pacifica: I'm not sure what you dorks are doing, but I'll find a way to expose you. Just. you. wait.
Mabel shivered.
But that's proof, Mabel thought. Bill didn't call the agents. Oh Dipper, I'm so sorry.
Mabel got back up, and pulled her backpack over her shoulder. She was about to start looking again, when she stumbled over something laying next to the tree, and fell onto the ground, scraping her knee. 
"Ow!" Mabel exclaimed. "What-"
Mabel grabbed the object that she tripped over, and examined it. It was tall, black, and made with felt. It was tattered, even ripped in a few places.
Mabel gasped, and covered her mouth.
It's Bill's hat! He must have been here.
Mabel thought. Mabel reopened her backpack, and took a sticker out of it. She placed it on the trunk of the oak tree. Mabel put Bill's tattered hat in her backpack, and started looking around the tree.
Dipper sat awake on the rooftop, looking at stars from the earth. Mabel sat next to him, fast asleep on his shoulder. She had told him what she found, and about the text from Pacifica. They planned on looking for Bill that Friday, while they went mystery hunting with their Gruncles. Dipper held Bill's hat in his hands, and pulled out his eyepatch.
What happened to you? Dipper thought.
Dipper mapped out the stars, like Bill shows him. He sighed, and put Bill's eyepatch in his jacket pocket again. Dipper took off his pine tree hat, and placed Bill's ripped top hat on his head. It felt weightless on his hair.
It's not too late, you know, The being said, coming back into Dipper's subconscious.
"What? Who's there?" Dipper asked, getting up, and waking Mabel up.
"Dipper?" Mabel rubbed her eyes, "what's going on?"
We can still make a trade, children of the stars. It whispered.
"Who's that?" Mabel asked. The twins both grabbed her mini quantum destabilizer.
"This is what I was talking about," Dipper said, arming his gun.
Do you or do you not want to find him? It asked.
"We don't need your trade, get lost!" Mabel shouted.
Watch your tung, young lady, you'll regret it.
"What do you want from us anyways?" Dipper asked.
"And what do you know about Bill?" Mabel added.
Hahaha. You poor humans. So clueless, so weak. You have no idea what's coming, do you? It doesn't matter now, you'll find out soon enough. Oh, and watch for your Gruncles. They aren't who you think they once were.
Dipper and Mabel looked at each other.
Good luck finding Bill Cipher. It won't be too hard, once you know where to look. And remember, everything you think you know, will change. Everyone you love, will be hated. Everything you thought would stay, will leave. Farewell for now, children of the stars.
The moon shone, so bright, Dipper and Mabel were blinded.
They both jolted awake on top of the roof. They both gasped for air, adrenaline wearing off.
"Dipper we have to tell Gruncle Ford," Mabel exclaimed.
"We can't."
"What? Dipper did that dream do something to you? The only people that would come even close to knowing what's going on is Bill and Gruncle Ford. Are you seriously going to keep this a secret?"
"Mabel I have a bad feeling about them. Did you hear it? They're hiding something, and it's time to take this seriously. Tomorrow's Friday, so let's just wait to find Bill, ok?"
Still uneasy at Dipper's desicion, Mabel nodded.
"I have a bad feeling about this, Dipper," Mabel said. "We need to watch our moves."
Dipper nodded in agreement.
"I'm sure about one thing," Dipper said firmly, taking off Bill's hat, and replacing his pine tree hat on his head.
"Bill's hiding something from us, and we need to know what's going on."

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