Chapter fifty seven

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Dipper walked slowly through a dense fog, completely surrendered to its blinding clouds. He walked held out his hands, so he wouldn't run into anything. A sour smell wafted into his nose as a single whisper sent chills down his spine.


As he walked, the sour smell became stronger, and stronger until he stumbled over something. He quickly caught his balance, and looked at the floor. They were a pair of bloody legs. Dipper held his breath as he looked upwards at the body. It spoke again.

"Dip. I'm so glad you're here."

Dipper collapsed onto his knees. Mabel was covered in her own blood, which was already crusting on her skin. It turned a sickening black, almost making Dipper throw up.

"I need you to help me, Dip," Mabel scarcely whispered.

Dipper covered his mouth, trying not to scream. Tears were already falling from his face. His body shook from head to toe with shock and fear.

"Pine Tree," another voice called out to him.

Dipper was unable to get up. He felt numb, and hopeless. What horrors still await for me? He thought.

"Pine Tree!"

Dipper's eyes flew open. He was trying to sit up, but hands on both shoulders held him down. In a panic, he tried scrambling out of bed, but it was not use.

"Pine Tree! Pine Tree! It's me!" Bill tried to make Dipper stop struggling. "You're fine, it was just another nightmare!"

Dipper slowly stopped struggling. He could feel sweat dripping down his forehead. His throat was choking, trying to hold back tears. Bill got off of him, letting Dipper sit up. He brought his knees up to his chest, trying to shake of the nightmare. Bill held out an arm and Dipper took it, holding onto that instead of being curled up in a ball. No one said a word, but they each understood each other.

Gruncle Stan walked through the door half-dressed. "Wake up, kids," his voice faltered  before he could finish his sentence, "it's time for her funeral."

The teenagers both got ready, each standing outside the door when they were apart. Dipper watched as Bill tightened his bow tie. He previously was tailored for a new suit, but Dipper prefers his yellow one more. After Bill was done, he tightened the bow tie around Dipper's neck, making sure it wasn't too tight. Throughout the entire morning, Dipper hasn't said a word. Bill looked up at his eyes, but they were off to the side, staring off into space.

"Pine Tree," Bill said.

Dipper snapped out of his thoughts, and looked at Bill. His expression was beyond worried.

"You need to keep talking," Bill said. "I can't stand it when you go silent."

"What's there to say?" Dipper asked, uncomfortably shifting at the thoughts of his nightmare.

"Pine Tree, I know there's a thousand words you want to say. I'm here for you, you know that," Bill restated, finishing the bow tie.

"If you're forcing me to talk, I have to stay something," Dipper places his forehead on Bill's. "You look really hot in a suit."

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