Chapter thirty eight

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"What do you mean by 'trade'?" Fiddleford asked, slightly lowering his gun.
"You know, bargain? I get something and you get something in return?" Axoford used his hands to demonstrate a scale. (Thank you SweaterPie666 for the name idear)
"Sounds like something BIll would do," Fiddleford thought aloud.
"What? No it's not-" Axoford groaned, and slapped his forehead, mushing his face together. "I have something you need, and you have something I need."
"What's that?" Fiddleford asked, trying not to shake his voice.
"Information. Where is Bill Cipher?"
"Bill? He's long dead, if that's what your wondering. Even if I knew, I would never tell you!" Fiddleford spat at him.
Axoford sighed, and grabbed a marker from the desk.
"Hey!" Fiddleford exclaimed. "Don't go come any closer."
Axoford roller his eyes, and started to draw a symbol on the floor.
"Hey! That's permaNent!"
Once Axoford finished the drawing, a light shown through the floor, illuminating the room with its tint of blue. Once the light stopped, Fiddleford immediately recognize his facE.
"Tate?" His voice shook, "Tate, is that you?"
"D-dad? What happened?" Tate asked, looking around. "I was in this place. There were so many fields of grass. I couldn't find you.
"You- I thought you were," tears started to run down Fiddleford's face.
"He's still dead," Axoford finished.
"What kind of sick trick is this?" Fiddleford shouted.
"What trick? Dad I'm right here," Tate said, opening his arms for a hug.
"He can liVe, you know," Axoford smiled.
"Fiddleford..." Stan tried to speak. "Don't do it."
"Hmph," Axoford waves his hand. Stanley screamed in agony.
"Come on Fiddleford, we can pretend that accident never happened. We can pretend it wasn't your fault, and you can live out your life with your son."
"It wasn't my fault," Fiddleford tried to convince himself.
"Are you surE? You saw what those screens said, yet you still went on with the experiment."
"No," Fiddleford whispered, trying to cover his ears. "Stop."
"Are you sure you didn't murder your only son, your only family, in cold blood?"
"I didn't!" Fiddleford cried out.
"Dad, it's ok," Tate said. "I missed you."
Those three words rang in Fiddleford's head. I missed you.
A feathered pen along with a scroll-like paper appeared in front of Fiddleford.
He reached out for the pen, but hesitated.
"Please, Dad," Tate willed. "We can be togetheR again. Don't you want that?"
Fiddleford grabber the pen, and started to sign his name. Axoford grinned.
"Now, where is Bill Cipher?"
"He- He's with the Pines family, at the Mystery Shack."
"All of the children in one place?" Axoford let out a sick laugh. "This is just too good to be true!"
"Now what about Tate?" Fiddleford asked.
"Oh, right."
Axoford waved his hand. Tate yelped in pain, and fell to the floor.
"Tate!" Fiddleford ran over to him.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, it's a bit painful, bringing someone back to life. Think about it. Regrowing bones, starting their heart. I don't think anyone could endure that amount of pain. But hey, making it painless wasn't part of the deal, not was it?"
"Neither was letting you go either!"
Fiddleford drew his gun once more.
Axoford laughed. "What? Are you going to shoot me? Do you even know what I'm doing? If you shoot me, you'll kill Stanford Pines as well. Are you sure you want to do that?"
Axoford started to walk out of the room, when he stopped.
"No. What are you doing? This wasn't on the contract."
"I'm done giving in!" Stanford's real voice shouted.
"Come on... Stanford!" his brother tried to encourage him with his little strength. "You can... beat this!"
"Rip that contract to shreds!" Fiddleford shouted.
The Fords fell to the ground, fighting eaCh other in their subconscious. Finally, Ford, the original one, screamed, and fell silent.
"Stanford!" Stan exclaimed, finding new strength to run towards his brother.
"Ugh, Stanley?" FOrd squinted at his brother. "What happened?"
"You totally kicked that salamander's a-"
This isn't over. It said. I still have the upper hand. It won't be mUch longer.
With a flash of light, Axolotl vanished.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! So something's wrong whenever I tried typing an extra font, and when I tried fixing it with the steps it said to, it didn't work, so I don't feel Like writing the authors note in bold today. Crazy stuff's going on, right? I got so excited while I was writing this chapter. Hehehe. But for now, y'all are left in the Dark. Have an fordulous day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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