Chapter forty one

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Dipper checked Bill's temperature.
"Still a fever," Dipper murmured. "What did I say about the blankets? I told you not to sleep with them. It's making it Worse!"
"But IT was so cold without them," Bill protested. "This stupid flesh suit is broken."
Ford rolled His eyes. "Let's get going. We have much to study."
"Right. I'll come back upstairs in a few hours to give you your medicine. Don't forget to drink your water, And get some more rest."
Dipper ruffled Bill's hair, and followed his gruncle out of his room.
"So what exactly are we doing?" Dipper asked.
"We're going to create something that can help defeat," he stopped to clear his throat, "Axolotl."
"But isn't it a creature from the deep sea?" Dipper asked. "How caN we even get to it?"
"He's closer than you think," Gruncle Ford advised. "Now, may I have my journal back? I noticed you took it."
"Oh. Um, sure," Dipper reaches into his jacket's pocket, and handed it to him, completely embArrassed. "Do you mind if you give it back to me though? I really want to read it."
Gruncle Ford CHuckled. "All I'm good time, my Little Dipper."

Mabel propped hEr head on her hand near the car window, looking at the passing street lights.
"You alright, Pumpkin?"
Mabel looked up at her Gruncle Stan. He never took his eyes off of the road, but was clearly concerned.
"YOU're a lot more spaced out than usual."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm alright," she continued to look out of her window.
"What's going on?"
"I'm scared. Those agents came back, and their so close. How did they even know to come back here if we erased their minds? Pacifica didn't eVen call them, or contact them. How could she text mE, saying she actually called them?"
"I kNow, but that's why wE're here, right? We can't let this go oVer our heads."
GrunclE Stan switched lanes, almost bumping into another car. He parked his stolen car behind the new Northwest ManneR.
"Are you ready?" Gruncle Stan asked.
Mabel nodded, pulling her blacK mask over her face.
"I'll meet you back here in an hour. For now, I'll park the car behind that ditch over there." Gruncle Stan pointed to a small creak.
"Alright. I'll see you sooN." Mabel shut the door behind her.
"Be careful!" Gruncle Stan warned.
Mabel gave him a thumbs up, and ran up the hill, sneaking intO a nearby Window. She silently walked through, room by room, careful not to be seen. A door violently swing open. A tall, blonde teenager stormed out of the room.
"Ugh! I can't believe this!" Pacifica threw her hands in the air, incredibly frustrated.
"The Pines family can go rot for all I care! Especially that blonde eyepatch wearing freak!"
"The Pines family, you say," two men walked up to Pacifica from beyond the hall.
Mabel quietly shraNk deeper into the shadows.
"Who are you?" Pacifica asked.
"Let's just say your family and I have been... in touch, for the past few years," the man with black and gray hair stepped forward.
"Now, you said you had information regarding the Pines family?"

Hey pplz! Hero here, and...
I got tagged, and I don't normally do this on my recent stories, but this is the first one in a while so... *sigh* lets just do it I guess...

 *sigh* lets just do it I guess

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1) it's complicated. But I'm single as a Pringle
2) danger
3) 5' something. IM NOT SHORT, IM FUN SIZED
4) milky brown with a tint of REALLY light green. Almost yellow, but that may be wishful thinking. It's still light green.
5) something like a few months?
6) dying, and once you're there, there's nothing, and it's like going to sleep, but not having a dream.
7) After All, from Steven Universe
8) My friend, talking about carpooling for wrestling.
9) YouTube? That or Wattpad
I'm just going to tag 5 ppl.
Idk I just picked some random people.
Songs belong rightfully to their owners!!
The song isn't mine. Thanks ;3 (you'll figure it out).

But anyways, I finally made things harder for you guys! You'll sea what I mean. Hehe puns. Anyways again, another short/skipped chapter. Whoops. Probably this weekend I'm going to do a run through of the story, fixing grammar mistakes and stuff because SOMEONE wouldn't let me off the hook. I'll update only one chapter that weekend. Sorry, can't English good. Have good day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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