Chapter fifty two

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"What?" Axolotl angrily looked over his shoulder.
There he saw Stan and Ford sprinting towards the three children with their guns.
"Damn it!" Axolotl blindly shoved his sword into a random part of Maddy's body, which happened to be her right torso. She screamed in agony.
"I don't have time to play these games. Have fun bleeding out," Axolotl said, being lifted into the air.

"Hurry, Stanley!" Ford shouted at his brother.
"Just go!" He yelled back as he fumbled with his gun when he got it out of its holster.
"Do you think a gun will get them out of there?" Axolotl flew across the lake, bringing up waves as he passed by. The two gruncles were barley able to jump out of the way before Axolotl hit them. They shielded their faces as a mixture of sand and water blew into their faces.
"Go!" Stan repeated.
Ford took one worried glance, then nodded and continued to run. He took another brief glance at the other side of the beach. He only saw a silhouette of a person on the beach, stabbed with a sword. It was too far away to tell if she was alive or not, but Ford didn't take any chances.
"Thank you, Maddy," Ford whispered, "I am forever in debt."
Ford took aim at on of the children in the sky.
*** earlier ***
"Remember, I didn't have time to free Dipper, so if you shoot him, I doubt he'll stay alive," Maddy said, gearing up for her fight.
"What do you mean 'you haven't freed him?'" Ford crossed his arms, still not completely trusting her.
"I know I did some trash things to you, and I know we both made contracts with Axolotl," Maddy replied, putting her giant sword in it's saber, which was mounted on her back. "Me not being the smarter person I am."
"What are you talking about? You only like-"
"Anyways," Maddy continued, "they were trapped in this horrible subconscious, it's kinda like what Mable had to go through four years ago, except the exact opposite."
"How do you know about that?" Stan asked, secretly sliding his brass knuckles on in this pocket.
"It's none of your business. Stop getting off topic, we're on a schedule. I could only pull Bill and Mabel out of their 'dreams', so they should be fine to shoot with the guns I gave you. These will fully snap them out of their 'dreams'. I'll try to distract him while you two rescue the others."
"This is total bull," Stan whispered under his breath, and swung at Maddy. Before he was even close to hitting her, she drew her sword and hit his forearm with the blunt of her sword.
"Ow!" He exclaimed, shaking his hand.
"You have this plan, or you have your own," Maddy sighed, sliding her sword back in it's case. "If I were you, I'd choose mine."
*** present ***

Ford closed his right eye, aiming for Bill first. He took a deep breath, held it, and then let it go, pressing the trigger. The shot  buzzed across the lake, hitting Bill.
If only that killed him, he thought.
Bill fell from the sky, struggling catching himself with his own powers.
Crap, Maddy didn't tell me the gun would just drop them, Ford realized. They're hovering over the giant portal!
"Bill!" Ford shouted from the beach.
Axolotl thwacked Stan one more time before looked over the lake. He saw the shot hit Bill, setting him free.
"No!" Axolotl shoved Stan's face into the sand.
Of course, Maddy led them out of my trap, and left them in the limbo for those nerds to save them. Not bad. Axolotl though as he prepared to take off.
"Do you have enough strength to catch Mabel?" Ford yelled from the beach.
"I'll try!" Bill shouted back, already sweating from his own weight.
"Be ready!" Ford took aim at Mabel. In the corner of his eye, he could see Axolotl about to take off. He took a deep breath in, held it, then let it go, firing. As he shot, he felt something slam into him like a freight train.
Mabel quickly fell from the sky, with Bill almost not being able to catch her. He felt her weight begin to slowly drag him down into the swirling lake. With all of his energy left, he hauled himself and Mabel towards the silent part of the beach.
"Thanks," Mabel said, retying her tattered sweater around her waist.
Bill collapsed on the shore, only able to respond with an inaudible grunt.
Mabel laughed, and helped Bill get up.
"So, what now?" She asked.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter. So some of you might be thinking, "MADDY! Why the bork are you updating on a Thursday?" Or maybe not because you're like "yay! Another chapter!" So it's going to be Easter weekend, and I can't write, so I'm just writing now. Why couldn't I just hold the chapter until Saturday? Idk I just thought you would want it now. Anyways, what's wrong with Easter puns? They always crack you up. *sarcasm* Original, I know. I'm not sorry. And nooooooo I totalllllllllly didn't mean to hold the climate for another chapter..... whaaaaattttttt......... be teased.

Have an awesome Easter weekend, and if you don't celebrate Easter, have an awesome weekend!Be brave

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Have an awesome Easter weekend, and if you don't celebrate Easter, have an awesome weekend!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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