Chapter two

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Dipper stood in shock.
What did I just do?! He thought. I didn't shake his hand, I was using it to help me up. Yeah that's it.
"Pine tree," a voice came from behind.
"What? Who's there?" Dipper asked.
All of a sudden a figure jumped on Dipper from behind, knocking him to the ground. Dipper rolled over to face his attacker. He was around Dippers age. His hair and eyes were abnormally yellow. Or one eye at least. His right one was covered with a triangular black eyepatch. He wore a formal yellow jacket, with a white undershirt with black sleeves, and a black bow tie.
"How's it been Pine tree?" The person asked, only a few inches from Dipper's face.
No. No no no no no. It can't, it isn't! Dipper thought.
"Aw don't be like that Pine tree," Bill Cipher said. "It's been so long."
Dipper shoved Bill off of him and scrambled to get back up.
"It hasn't been long enough!" Dipper spat at him. "You tried to kill us all!"
Bill got up and brushed off the dirt and grass from his outfit.
"Yeesh, Pine tree I wouldn't say kill you. That's a stretch, even coming from you."
Bill took a few steps closer to Dipper.
"Admit it. You missed me," he said pinching Dipper's cheek.
Dipper slapped Bill's hand away.
"As if!" Dipper snarled. "And stop calling me Pine tree."
"Than what should I can you? Mason?"
"No! Just! AUGH!" Dipper threw his hands up in frustration and walked a few paces away. "How are you even human? Did you possess someone?"
"Please, Pine tree, you're the only one I've talked to in years! Other than the gnomes of course."
"Than how are you here and not dead. You should've been erased in Stan's mind!" Dipper exclaimed.
"It's simple really," Bill said; leaning on his cane. "Axolotl took its time, but came though. I saved myself, and in doing so, I saved you're Grunkle Stan. Do you think it's that easy, to give a person's memory back from a stupid scrap book?"
Dipper looked down at the grass.
"But anyways," Bill continued. "I wasn't completely free until someone shook my hand."
"I did not shake your hand!" Dipper yelled.
"You know you did. Even if it was on accident, you still shook my hand." Bill said.
"If I shook your hand, I should've gotten something out of it. What did I get, and what did you loose?" Dipper asked suspiciously.
"For one, I helped you up, that was my end of the deal."
"That's completely bogus Bill," Dipper shot at him.
"As for you," Bill continued with out stopping, " you helped me come back, but in my weakest form."
"So you're stuck as a human?" Dipper asked laughing.
"It's not funny Pine tree!" Bill said, his face turning red. "This is such an insult to myself."
"Do you even know how humans are supposed to function?" Dipper asked, trying to stop laughing.
When Bill didn't say anything, Dipper continued to laugh.
I can just leave him out here to die. Dipper thought. If he doesn't eat, or drink anything, he'll die and be gone forever! But, he'll be gone forever. What are you thinking Dipper, you know you can't let him live. He's a demon! But I can't just let him stay here. Ugh I hope I know what I'm doing.
"What are you thinking Pine tree? You're pacing makes my head hurt."
The sun started to set in the distance.
"Ok Bill. I need to make a deal," Dipper said.
"Already with you? Wow it's like that one human holiday, where the kids get presents."
Ignoring his comment, Dipper continued.
"You can come back with me to the Mystery Shack, but you have to stay out of sight the entire time you're there.  And you can't go harass my family or Soos or his girlfriend. Got it?"
"Hmm," Bill said, thinking for a long time. "I'm just kidding I have nothing better to do."
Bill held out his hand, which was covered in blue fire. Although he was human, Dipper still didn't know if he had magic still.
"It's a deal," Dipper said.
Thank you so much for reading!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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