Chapter twenty nine

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Mabel watched her brother pace around the bedroom, cris-cross on her bed.
"Dip?" Mabel asked.
Dipper stopped pacing, and glanced at his twin sister.
"You- you really do like Bill, don't you?"
"I-" Dipper sighed, tried to come up with an explanation, but this was one question he couldn't answer.
"You do," Mabel started to realize why her brother was so attached to the demon, "you really do. You could've left him in the woods to die, but you insisted on finding him, more than once."
"Mabel, I'm still not sure," DIpper started, not knowing what to say. "I just..."
"Dip, it's ok."
"You know you like him. As much as you don't want to, you do. As your sister, and partner in Crime, I have to protect you, and the people you love. If that means Bill, then I'll stick up for him if Gruncle Stan, and Gruncle Ford looses it. Ok?"
Mabel got up, and gAve Dipper a hug.
"I'll always be here for you," she whispered.
Dipper felt a tear run down his cheek. He hugged her back.
"Thank you."
The twins walked downstairs, surprised to find Bill, and Gruncle Stan having a conversation.
"Kids, come sit," Gruncle Stan instructed.
"Where's Gruncle Ford?" Mabel asked, sitting on the couch.
"He's... taking some time to think. Here's the deal Bill caN stay in the shack, so long as he follows our rules. No mystery stuff, or powers. He can have meals with us, but no knives. And he has to sleep in the basement. AlrighT?"
Dipper and Mabel nodded. Gruncle Stan handed everyone a Pitt from the cooler, and popped one open for himself. Bill looked at it, confused.
"Here," Dipper offered, grabbing it from Bill's hands, and popped it open. He blushed, and gave it back.
"Thanks, Pine Tree," Bill said, taking a sip.
They stayed Silent for a while.
"So!" Mabel casually tried to break the awkwardness. "I guess mystery hunting is done for today, and I'm really hungry. Does everyone want to go to the diner?"
"Good idea, Pumpkin, I'll grab my keys," Gruncle Stan said, getting up.
"Are you sure you'll be ok?" Dipper asked. "You looked really bad when we found you, and your eye just stopped bleeding. Will you be ok?"
"I'll be fine," Gruncle STan laughed. "Stop worrying about your old man so much."
Gruncle Stan, Bill, Dipper, and Mabel got into the car, and drOve to Lazy Suzan's diner.

Ford dusted off his old metal mask, and put it around his head. He started smelting bits of steel together. He then dusted off a piece of thick glass, and attacked it to the metal. Ford looked through his fourth journal, and looked at his ciPher.
"So if B is V, and M is A..." he sighed.
"I just don't get it," Ford muttered to himself, writing down the encryption on the glass. "Stan was so easily accepting of Bill, so was Mabel, and Dipper. Did they get hypnotized or something? Maybe I'll do a brain scan on them when there sleeping or something."
I think your right.
"I know! Bill caught them in a loop or something. Should I contact Rick? Then again I haven't seen him in years."
I don't think you need him, you only need me.
"What?" Ford suddenly realized he wasn't alone, and pulled out his mini quantum destabilizer. "Who's there?"
Stanford Filbrick Pines, it's been a few months, hasn't it?
"It's- it's you! I thought you were in the ocean! How are you able to communicate with me in the middle or Oregon?"
That's not the issue, is it? Bill is up to no good, I can feel it.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks so."
You know, if we work together, we can get rid of him, once and for all. You don't have to carry the burden of Bill's terror anymore. You won't have to fear his reign ever again.
"As much as I'd love to, I had to promise not to touch hIm. Not until I know for sure."
But aren't you sure now? Just look at him.
A picture of Bill flashed in Ford's mind. He was sitting on his human throne of agony, still human, but still evil.
Do you really think a demon can change?
Ford didn't answer.
Come on, how about a little bargain? I can help you get rid of him.
"What's in it for you?" Ford asked.
Not much. Quite honestly, I just want to get rid of him as well.
Ford weighed his options. A feathered pen, with a contracT flashed in front of him.
Come on Stanford, let's make a trade.
Ford hesitated, but grabbed the pen, and started to sign the contract.
Nice doing business with you.

Gruncle Stan and Mabel climbed into a booth together.
"Then that leaves," Dipper trailed off, knowing the answer.
Bill slid into the booth. He patted the seat, inviting Dipper to sit next to him. Dipper felt his face go red as he sat next to his little crush. Gruncle Stan and Mabel couldn't help but hold in their laughter, giving each other a high-five under the table.
Oh man, Dipper thought, starting to sweat. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?
Dipper put his hand down on the seat. Bill also dropped his hand, landing it onto Dipper's. Dipper looked at him. Bill smiled as a response.
OH MY GOSH! Dipper's head almost exploded.
Heheh, stupid Pine Tree, Bill thought.
"Ahem," Gruncle Stan coughed.
"Right," Bill said, looking at the menu, not moving his hand.
They finished ordering their meals, and started a conversation. After eating lunch, they went back to the Mystery Shack.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter. See? I told you the cipher is starting to reveal itself. But anyways. I know what your thinking. I should've drawn something, right? Nope! I've been slacking off, doing author things. I'll try, or maybe not, to draw something after I post this chapter. I think that's all really, I don't have much to say. Have an awesome day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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