Chapter thirty nine

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Bill opened his eyes.
"Ugh," he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Where am I?"
He looked around, sitting up from the pavement. He was standing in front of a modern house, neighboring a few others. Bill ran up the driveway, and rang on the doorbell. A short teenager, with milky brown hair and eyes with a tint of bright green opened the door.
"Bill, there you are!" she exclaimed. "I was wondering when you'd get here."
"Um, do I know you?" Bill asked, confused.
"Kind of. Come in, come in, Dipper and the rest of the Pines family are already here."
Bill awkwardly stepped inside.
"It smells amazing," Bill whispered, his mouth watering.
"Pfh, sure," the teen blushed. "This way."
She led Bill into a small dining room.
"There you are!" Dipper exclaimed. "Help us," he then whispered, "she's talking about us like she knows us."
Bill sat in between Dipper, and Mabel.
"How did you guys get here?" Mabel asked. "Last time I saw you, you two were going upstairs alone..."
Mabel screamed in excitement.
"Mabel! You're going to make us def!" Grunkle Ford exclaimed.
"Or at least more than he already is," his twin pointed at him.
"Stop fighting you two! Today's not the day!" The mysterious girl scolded.
"We're probably all older than you," Dipper pointed out.
"I don't know, and that's not your place to know, so stop getting all up in by business! Anyways, the real reason why I brought you all here, is because it's Thanksgiving!"
"But it's summer," Mabel said. "Thanksgiving isn't for a few months."
"Maybe for your dimension, but for mine, it's today, so I wanted to spend it with you guys."
"I can't read her thoughts," Bill whispered in Dipper's ear. "What is she?"
"I can here you," she rolled her eyes. "And I'm not a 'what,' I'm a 'who.' My name's Maddy. Are we going to eat or not?"
"Mabel, sweetie, can you pass the mash potatoes?" Gruncle Stan asked.
Ford shot him a look.
"What? Free food."
Everyone started to cautiously take bites of their food, but after a while, everyone started to eat massive bites.
As everyone finished eating, Bill didn't stop.
"Uh, Bill?" Dipper asked. "Aren't you a bit full?"
Bill looked up from his plate, half of a baguette sticking out from his mouth. Dipper giggled, and took the French bread out of his mouth. Maddy and Mabel squealed from the corner of the room. Ford grumbled from across the room.
"I think you had enough food."
"But," Bill gave Dipper his best puppy eyes. "It's so good."
"I know, but you can't eat this much, you're going to get a stomach ache."
Bill suddenly clutched his stomach.
"Bathroom's second door to the right," Maddy said, pointing down the hall.
"Thanks," Bill sprinted through the house.
A few hours later, the guests from Gravity Falls decided to go home.
"Bye!" Maddy exclaimed, waving goodbye, holding a dimension changing ball of fire in her left hand.
She threw the ball with all of her might, hitting it right in the metal part of Ford's head.
"Sorry," Maddy muffled through her hands over her mouth.
As Bill's vision began to blur, he heard a few chuckles from the girl named Maddy.
"It's about to get-"
Thank you so much for reading another chapter. This is canon, probably. But anyways, I just wanted to write a goofy chapter for Thanksgiving. But seriously. I'm thankful for all of you for reading this book. I honestly never thought I get beyond 1,000 reads, heck, I never even thought I'd pass 500! So thank you so much for everything! I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving, or if you don't celebrate, I hope you had an amazing day.

Be brave

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Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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