Chapter sixteen

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Although everyone else was asleep, Dipper stayed awake, his mind wondering.
How are we going to get rid of Pacifica? Why am I so jittery around Bill? What was what code doing in the Northwest mansion?
Hours past, yet Dipper's eyes stayed open. He decided to get some fresh air. He grabbed his sweatshirt, and walked downstairs where the latter to the rooftop was. Dipper climbed the latter, and stood at Wendy's old spot, where she would skip work. He recalled all the moments he was up here. With Wendy, with Mabel, even the day Grunkle Stan started the portal. Dipper deeply breathed in the cool, crisp summer air. He sat down at the edge of the platform, letting his feet dangle off the edge, and his back hit the floor, allowing his to look up at the stars. Dipper stayed like that for a few minutes before someone spoke and broke the silence.
"Stars are mysterious things, aren't they?" Bill asked.
Dipper quickly sat up, and looked behind him. Bill was standing a few feet away from him, looking up at the night sky.
"What are you doing out here, Bill?" Dipper asked.
"I can ask you the same thing, Pine Tree. It's past three o'clock. Don't humans need sleep?"
Dipper didn't reply. Bill sat down beside him.
"It's kinda cool, actually," Bill said, thinking out loud.
Dipper looked at him, confused.
"The stars. They're unintentionally arranged in shapes, and patterns. Not only that, but out there, one, or maybe all of those stars could be shining for a planet like this one."
"I've never really looked at them like that," Dipper realized.
Bill shrugged.
"Most people don't. They just think of them as apart of the sky."
Dipper looked up at the stars.
"You know, other than the two dippers, I've never mapped out any constellations," Dipper confessed. "Grunkle Ford took us one time, but that was three years ago."
"Here," Bill patted his leg.
Dipper awkwardly placed his head on Bill's lap, but ended up smiling.
"Look at those three stars," Bill pointed in the sky.
"Those?" Dipper pointed to three stars off the to left.
Bill laughed. "No, Pine Tree, these ones."
Bill moved Dipper's arm to the right.
"That's Orion's belt. His bow is the few stars to the right."
"I see it!" Dipper breathed.
"Look at these ones," Bill said, moving Dipper's arm once more.
They spent most of the night together, under the stars. Eventually, Dipper fell asleep, with his head still on Bill's lap.
"And here-" Bill stopped.
Bill looked down at Dipper, who was lightly snoring on his lap.
"Pine Tree," Bill softly chuckled. "Couldn't handle the stars, could you?"
Bill looked up at them once more.
"Heh, guess you could say I couldn't either." Bill sighed. He looked down at Dipper. His hair was tilted back, letting his dipper birthmark show. Bill found the matching dipper, which was fiercely glowing in the night sky.
"Sweet dreams, my Sapling."
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! I know this one was a little short. Trust me, I hade a plan for this chapter and everything, but I had a surprise brunch thing that I'm going to right now, so the chapter kinda got cut short. I'm probably going to get car sick. WHO CARES!? I don't. Oh yeah! I almost forgot.

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Here's the twins

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Here's the twins. Dipper looks a bit weird, but, oh well. I think my binder covers were better. You know what's funny? Bill probably looks the worst, and all I had to do is draw a Dorito and be done. But nope. He looks really bad. I'll have a Bill-only drawing thing probably on Wednesday. So yeah. Thanks for reading again!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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