Chapter eighteen

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The Pines family were far out on the lake, and the two Grunkles were retaught their niece and nephew how to fish.
"And that's how you cast," Grunkle Stan explained. "Give it a try you two."
Dipper pinched his line, and unlocked the reel. As hard as he could, Dipper casted his line, but only about half the length from the boat than Gruncle Stan and Ford's lines.
"Not bad," Gruncle Ford smiled, ruffling Dipper's hair, behind his pine tree cap.
"Step aside bro," Mabel said confidently, and pushed Dipper aside. "Watch this!"
Mable unlocked her line, but forgot to pinch it, so her like fell into the water, loosing her bait.
"Ha!" Dipper mocked. "You hear that?"
Dipper quietly whispered into Mabel's ear, to mimic a crowd of people. "Alpha twin, alpha twin!"
Mabel laughed and gave him a playful nudge.
"Alright you two," Gruncle Stan laughed, coming in between them. "Forget the casting for now. Here comes the hard part."
Gruncle Stan casted Mabel's line, and gave her the fishing rod.
"This is the part that takes patients," Gruncle Ford reminded the twins. "Once you feel a tug, flick your fishing rod upwards to hook the fish, then wait. If it's still there, reel it in."
Dipper and Mabel both nodded. The two Gruncles grabbed their fishing rods, and started to wait as well. A few minutes later, Dipper felt a tug on his line.
"Uh, Gruncle Ford, I think I caught something," Dipper said, unsure, but excited.
"Fantastic! Flick your fishing rod upwards, and reel it in!"
Dipper flicked his fishing rod, and waited for a response. A few seconds later, the tugging began again. Dipper quickly started to reel in his catch.
"Go dip, go!" Mabel cheered, completely forgetting about her own fishing rod.
"Not too quickly," Gruncle Stan reminded his nephew.
As Dipper's line came closer to the boat, it became incredibly hard for him to pull it in.
"It's huge!" Dipper exclaimed, struggling to reel it into the boat.
"Keep going, you're almost there," Gruncle Ford encouraged.
The line became close enough to the boat for Dipper to pull up his line. He grabbed the invisible string, and lifted it up, into the boat. Attached to the line, was a small, pink creature. I looked almost like a salamander, but with six fuzzy ferns coming from its head. It was no more than three pounds, and about the size of Gruncle Stan's hand.
"Aw man, not even a fish," Dipper said, disappointed.
"Hey, on the bright side, it's kinda cute!" Mabel said, bending down to pet it.
"Don't touch that!" Gruncle Ford exclaimed.
Their Gruncle's loud voice made Dipper and Mabel jump. Mabel stepped back from the pink creature.
"What's wrong?" Dipper asked."It's just a salamander."
Without saying a word, Gruncle Ford picked up the tiny creature, and hurled it as far away from the boat as possible.
"Gruncle Ford!" Mabel frowned. "You could've hurt the little guy!"
"Good," Gruncle Ford whispered. "It deserves it."
"Gruncle Ford?" Dipper asked.
"It's nothing, it's nothing," Gruncle Ford reassured. "Let's just move to another spot. Where's Stanley?"
Dipper and Mabel both shrugged.
"Probably inside, why?" Dipper asked.
"Do you two remember how to drive a boat?" Gruncle Ford asked.
"Yeah, you taught us last summer. But it's not the same boat," Dipper said, suspicious of his great Uncle's intentions.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. Can you two drive the boat a little closer to shore? I'm going to check in Stanley," Gruncle Ford said, going into the cabin, and downstairs, to where his brother was likely to be.
Dipper and Mabel followed him inside the cabin, where the control center was.
"This is freaking me out," Dipper said to his sister, starting up the boat.
"Seriously," Mabel agreed. "What's so bad about a salamander?"
"I'm not sure it was a salamander," Dipper thought aloud.
"What do you mean?"
"It's tail, it was more like a fin, than a simple tail. And I'm almost certain there's no pink salamander."
"Than what was it?" Mabel asked, sitting down at one of the tables, accidentally knocking her foot on the metal stand.
"Ow!" Mabel exclaimed. "I-"
"Mabel look!" Dipper pointed to a compartment that revealed itself.
"Whoa!" Mabel exclaimed, walking over to it.
Dipper stopped the boat, and followed his sister to the new opening in the boat. The compartment was mostly empty, with only a few scraps of paper that was filled with complicated math Dipper didn't recognize. Dipper took out the bits of paper.
"What is it?" Mabel asked, looking over her brother's shoulder.
"Just a few scraps of paper," Dipper replied.
"Let me see the compartment," Mabel said, moving in front of Dipper.
She felt around the now empty metal box inside the boat.
"Find anything?" Dipper asked.
"Hang on," Mabel said. "I think I feel something.
It was a small knob, on the left side of the compartment. She was about to twist it, when Dipper spoke.
"Someone's coming," Dipper whispered.
Mabel quickly shut the door, and ran to a different table. Dipper quickly started the boat, and began moving closer to shore.
"Sorry you two, your Gruncle Stan got sea sick," Gruncle Ford explained.
"He was fine a minute ago," Mabel argued.
Dipper couldn't tell if his Gruncle's laugh was forced or not.
"He'll be fine. We should probably go back to shore. Sorry for the short trip you two."
"It's ok," Dipper smiled. "Maybe next time we can do something on land."
"Definitely," his Gruncle agreed.
The Pines family left the lake, leaving behind the strange amphibian.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter. I didn't realize it, but I had to run a few errands with my family, so I didn't have time to write this morning. So anyways. I can't seem to post any new drawings right now. Idk Wattpad you're weird. So maybe it'll work for tomorrow's chapter. So I just realized while I was writing the chapter, I'VE BEEN SPELLING GRUNCLE WRONG. Wow. I feel more stupid than normal. What I also noticed is Stan called Ford Poindexter. Poindexter is a mix of pointer finger, and index finger to kinda accept him having another finger. Wow do I feel stupid or what? lol I said that already. Oh well. Have an awesome day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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