Chapter ten

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"I don't understand," Mabel said to Dipper. "It's like all of Gravity Falls is turning on us."
"More reason why to figure out what's going on," Dipper decided.
"We can't start looking now, you need to learn how to dance so Pacifica doesn't call the agents."
Dipper opened the door their room, where Bill was sitting at the window cill.
"Finally," he said. "What happened? I thought you were coming straight upstairs. What happened?"
"We just got caught up with Grunkle Ford," Dipper said tossing Bill a bag of clothes. "Can you change? I just want my clothes back."
"Someone's a little feisty today," Bill smiled.
"Just shut up and change."
Bill left the room, leaving the twins by themselves.
"What should we tell Bill about Pacifica?" Mabel asked.
"I'm not sure. Just try and play it cool."
A few minutes later Bill came back into the room wearing a pair of jeans, and a plaid, yellow, button down shirt.
"So? How is it?" Bill asked.
Dipper couldn't help but blush.
"I-it looks good I guess," he muttered.
"I guess? I guess? Dipper he looks awesome!" Mabel exclaimed. "No wonder-"
Dipper slapped his hand over Mabel's mouth. Bill's face turned as red as Dipper's.
"Come on Mabel, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford are probably waiting for us downstairs," Dipper said, pushing Mabel out of the room.
"Hey! Alright alright."
Mabel left the room. As Dipper was about to leave, he felt a hand in his shoulder.
"Hey Pine tree?" Bill asked.
Dipper turned around.
"What... what was that all about? With Lama at the mall?"
Dipper started to become more frantic.
"I don't know what your talking about," Dipper said.
Bill sighed.
"Pine tree, seriously. There's definitely something going on between the Northwest's, and you and Shooting star. I saw fear in your eyes when you looked at her. Why did she call you her boyfriend? I thought you hated her."
"Bill it's complicated. I'll tell you after dinner."
Dipper reached for the door, but Bill stepped in front of him.
"I'm not letting you leave until you tell me," Bill said, full of determination.
"Alright fine. After Weirdmageddon was over, we became close with Pacifica. We told her everything. About Grunkle Ford, about the rift, about Grunkle Stan's double life. It was the worst mistake anyone could make. She had a card to the agents that were sent over to investigate Gravity Falls, and if we don't do whatever she says, she'll contact them, and we'll all end up in jail, or worse."
Dipper looked at Bill with sad eyes. Bill walked up to Dipper. Dipper took a step back, but Bill kept coming closer. Finally, Bill grabbed Dipper by the shirt, and pulled him into a hug.
"Shh," Bill soothed Dipper, running his hands through his hair, knocking his hat to the ground.
Dipper couldn't help but quietly sob on the former dream demon's shoulder.
That stupid long neck, furry animal made my sapling cry. Bill thought. I'll make her pay.
Bill pulled away from his hug, and wiped the tears from Dipper's face.
"Don't cry, it'll all be better in time. Go downstairs and have dinner with your family."
Dipper nodded, and left the room.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! This one was kinda short, just because I wanted to save the next part for a better chapter. Get owned! Happy Labor Day too!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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