Chapter eleven

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Dipper sniffed and wiped his tears away with his sleeve.
That's the first time I've even really opened up to anyone about this before, and it was to Bill. Why would he even stop to consider me.
Dipper made his way downstairs, and to the living room, where everyone was already waiting.
"What took you so long?" Mabel whispered to Dipper with a worried expression.
"It's nothing Mabel, don't worry about it," Dipper whispered back.
Still unconvinced, Mabel stayed quiet.
"I hope you like dinner, I made the chicken by myself. An old recipe from when I was still stuck between dimensions," Grunkle Ford said proudly.
A few minutes after dinner began, Dipper's mind cleared, and remembered the task at hand.
"Hey Grunkle Ford, do you mind if you teach me how to dance?" Dipper asked.
"Pacifica is throwing a summerween party at her new mansion this Saturday. She said Mabel and I had to learn how to dance. Do you mind if you and Grunkle Stan teach how?"
"Why don't you just kill the Northwest family? They're causing us so much trouble, why not just get rid of them?" Grunkle Ford asked.
Dipper and Mabel gave their Grunkle a horrified glance.
"I was just kidding!" Grunkle Ford reassured them. "Mostly."
"Don't you worry Dipper, your Grunkle Stan danced with plenty of girls back in the day," Grunkle said, giving Dipper a Nuggie. "We'll fix up that awkward dance in no time."
"You should've seen him at the homecoming dance," Mabel chimed in.
As the Pines family finished their dinner, Dipper noticed Grunkle Stan was still wearing his eyepatch.
"Grunkle Stan?" Dipper asked.
Grunkle Stan looked up from his dinner plate.
"You're still wearing your eyepatch," Dipper pointed out. "Don't you want to take it off?"
Grunkle Stan quickly shoved another spoon of chicken into his mouth before answering.
"I must've forgotten to take it off," Grunkle Stan replied, wiping his mouth with his napkin. "I'll take it off after dinner."
Dipper looked at Mabel, who had the same thought.
"Why don't you kids clean up, while your Grunkles have a quick talk. Afterwards we can teach you two the dancing thing," Grunkle Ford suggested, standing up from the table.
"Sure thing," Mabel said.
After the Grunkles left the room,
"This is what I'm talking about!" Dipper exclaimed. "They just leave and do who knows what. There's something huge happening that they aren't telling us."
"What can we do?" Mabel asked cleaning up the plates. "It's not like they'll tell us. It's obvious they don't want to."
Dipper grabbed his own plate and placed a piece of chicken on it for Bill.
"Besides, we still have to deal with Pacifica and her party. We don't even know how to do the waltz, so we can't exactly go mystery hunting right now."
Dipper sighed. "You're right. I'll be right back, I'm going to give Bill some dinner."
Dipper quickly ran upstairs to the bedroom in the attic. Dipper hesitated opening the door.
It'll only be awkward if you make it. Dipper thought to himself. It's just Bill. You can deal with him.
Dipper grabbed the doorknob, and walked into the room.
"Pine Tree, you're back," Bill said surprised. "Are... are you feeling better?"
Dipper blushed and nodded. He could hear his heart racing.
"I brought you some food," Dipper said, giving Bill the plate of chicken. "Grunkle Ford made it."
Bill took the plate, and ate a piece.
"Not bad, but it needs more of a spicy flavor," the former dream demon criticized. "I'd never think of old Fordsey as a cook."
"Neither would I."
The two teenagers stood in silence.
"I'll see you later," Dipper said, walking out the door.
Dipper stopped and turned around, his heart pounding.
Bill came up to him, took off his hat, and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Dipper stood in shock, his face completely red. Bill replaced the pine tree hat on Dipper's head.
"See you later Pine Tree."
Dipper barely made it out the door on his feet.
What just happened!? Dipper thought, almost hyperventilating. Wha- he- I-
He kissed me! On the forehead, but he still kissed me!
Dipper almost fell down the stairs, and half consciously made his way back to the living room, where Mabel was waiting for both him and her Grunkles.
"Whoa, Dipper what happened to you? You look like you saw Grunkle Ford for the first time."
Dipper opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
"Dipper what's going on?"
"Mabel, you won't believe what just happened."
"Who's ready to dance?" Grunkle Stan asked, coming into the living room.
"Learn first, then talk," Dipper whispered to his sister.
The Pines used their twin as a partner, and began to dance.
After a few hours, they called it a day, and try again tomorrow.
"So Dipper what happened?" Mabel asked as they were walking upstairs.
Dipper felt his face go red.
"I uh, well you see I, he," Dipper stuttered.
"Oh, I get it!" Mabel exclaimed.
"I can explain!" Dipper quickly started.
"It was in the heat of the moment, and he just kissed me on the forehead."
"Wait he did what?" Mabel asked.
"Oh no."
"Bill kissed you!" Mabel exclaimed.
"Mabel shh! We can't let the Gunkles know, remember?"
"You two would be so cute!"
Dipper opened the bedroom door.
"Just shut up about it ok?" Dipper asked, still blushing.
As Mabel, Dipper, and Bill got ready for bed, she couldn't help but be worried for her brother.
What if Bill's deceiving him? She thought. I can't Bill hurt him. But at the same time, what if Bill actually likes Dipper? They're both into that mystery thing, probably because Bill is the mystery thing. But what if this is all apart of one of his sick games like Weirdmageddon?
"Night Mabel," Dipper said.
"Night Dip," Mabel replied.
"Night Bill," Dipper whispered, not loud enough for Mabel or Bill to hear.
"Night Pine Tree," Bill whispered, softer than Dipper's whisper. "I'll be watching."
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! I feel like I'm just putting off the inevitable. Aka the party. Take all this fluff! Anyways. I had some marching band stuff going on on Wednesday, so don't go saying "Ya didn't update Wednesday like you said you would!" Yeah yeah I know. If I sound a little off character im a bit sick so my mindset is weird. So yeah. Hope you liked the chapter! (And yes I know there hasn't been any progress with the cipher story wise.)
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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