Happy holidays!

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Bill opened his eyes once more. He was at the same house from a month ago. This time, it was covered in colorful lights. He ran up to the door, and practically kicked it down. The brown haired girl jumped out of the way so she wouldn't get crushed.
"Hey!" She exclaimed. "A 'heads up' would be nice."
"Where's Pine Tree?" He asked.
"Relax, he's near the tree."
Bill bolted into the house, finding small wooden reindeer, and fake snowmen everywhere. Finally, he arrived in an open room, with a large pine tree filled with lights, and ornaments. Presents scattered under the tree. The Pines family was there, too. The Gruncles were on a white couch near the edge of the room, and the other twins were sitting cris cross next to each other on the carpet.
"What is this?" Bill asked himself.
The brown haired girl caught up to him, gasping for breath.
"Merry Christmas!" She smiled.
"But it's summer," Gruncle Stan pointed out. 
"In your dimension, yeah. Not in mine. Seriously do I have to explain this again? Everyone was here about a month ago."
Bill sat next to Dipper on the ground.
"Maddy, was it?" Gruncle Ford asked, examining the host.
"Uh, yeah," she replied, shooting him off. "Anyways, I got presents for everyone!"
"I didn't get any for you, though!" Mabel exclaimed. "I'll be right back, I need to get something for her."
Dipper grabbed his sister's hand and pulled her back down to the floor.
"It's fine, Mabel," Maddy laughed.
"But I-"
"Mabel, we talked about this!" Dipper whispered to her.
Mabel crossed her arms.
"Anyways! Bill, did you want to go first?"
"Uh, sure."
Bill crawled up to the Christmas tree, and grabbed a neatly wrapped box with his name on it. He began to rip the wrapping paper, and opened the box. He pulled out a small plant that had only a few leaves, and three red berries. Mabel could've sworn her brother's face would've exploded.
"A mistletoe?" Bill asked, confused.
"I don't think-" Gruncle Ford tried to intervene.
Mabel squealed over his voice. "Thank you so much, Maddy! Lets make the romance happen!"
Maddy gave Mabel a sly grin. "Patients."
Gruncle Ford groaned.
"Dipper, you go."
Dipper began to open his present.
"Glasses? But I don't need glasses."
"Trust me, you will," Maddy said.
"Mabel! You're turn!"
Mabel slowly teared the tape off of the wrapping paper.
"Mabel just rip the wrapping paper! You do this every time."
"But it's so pretty! I don't want it to go to waste!"
Dipper groaned, and fell down on his back. Bill fell on top of him, running his hands through Dipper's hair.
"You know," Bill whispered, "I wish Maddy wrapped you in a present, because you're the only thing I want this Christmas."
Gruncle Ford stood up, walking angerly across the room, until he was stopped by an invisible force.
"Hey!" Gruncle Ford tried punching it, but it didn't work. "Maddy, what is this?"
Maddy was squealing in her chair, but the mention of her name caught her attention.
"Welcome to my dimension, Stanford Pines. Anything that I think steps out of line, pun intended, is stopped. As far as everyone else is concerned, you're still on the couch, watching you're great niece open her present."
"Let me out!" Ford tried running for Maddy.
"Whoa! A bit feisty today, huh?" Maddy moved her finger upwards, and created a field around her. She walked around Gruncle Ford. "I make the rules, Ford. Be careful."
"You're no older than Dipper!" Ford laughed. "Please, I think I know how to handle children."
Maddy laughed. "Is that what you call your high school years? You knew how to handle yourself?"
"How do you know-"
"Like I said, Ford, I make the rules."
And just like that, he was sitting back on the couch.
Mabel received a camera as her present. She quickly snapped a photo of the two gays, and laughed maliciously. Gruncle Stan received a pile of coins, only to realize later, there was only one real coin.
"Your turn," Maddy looked at Gruncle Ford.
He shakily grabbed his present, and opened it, not showing anyone else. It was a book.
Maddy almost bursted out laughing.
"What did you get, bro?" Gruncle Stan asked, looking at the book.
Gruncle Ford's face turned red with embarrassment as his brother read the title out loud.
"How to accept gay people."
The everyone except for Gruncle Ford bursted out laughing.
"Nice one, Maddy!" Mabel exclaimed, giving her a high five.
"Hey Maddy," Dipper called. "There's still two presents left. One of them says 'to you from you,' and the other says 'to you from fans.'"
Maddy grabbed them, and opened the one that was from the fans.
"What is it?" Bill asked.
Maddy frowned and showed them the empty box.
"No one asked me questions for the Q/A!" Maddy exclaimed, sitting in the corner of the room.
"A what?" Dipper whispered to Bill. Bill shrugged.
"Well, what's the second one?" Mabel asked.
Maddy opened the box.
"An ornament?" Gruncle Stan asked.
"Yeah, its time for you guys to go back," Maddy said, standing up.
She gripped the ornament, and shattered it on the ground. Bill's vision began to get blurry, and his body began to have more aches. His cold returned, and his weakness did as well.
"Good luck, Bill," Maddy called to him. "You'll need it."
Hey peoplez, Hero here, and thank you so much for reading another chapter! So yes, I recognize and acknowledge people don't celebrate Christmas. People celebrate Chanukah, and Kwanzaa, and other holidays. Or you might not even celebrate a holiday, what do I know? But I just thought it would be nice to have a chapter celebrating something I celebrate. And yeah, people not in the US might not celebrate a US Thanksgiving, but that's ok. ANYWAYS! I can't write long, so here's something I drew.

Tada! Again, Happy Holidays!Be brave

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Tada! Again, Happy Holidays!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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