Chapter thrity seven

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In the mitts of the shock and confusion, Bill snuck off to dock, and ran towards the stone wall. Once he arrived, Bill looked for a cave entrance. Surely enough, down the steep hill, a pitch black entrance was visible in the already fading light. Bill grabbed a large stick, and upon his arrival, he set it aflame with his hand.
"Alright," Bill muttered, "let's see what's so great about this place."
Bill walked the endless halls of the cave, turning right at every turn so he would know his way out. Finally, he came across an opening in the ceiling, revealing moonlight, illuminating the room. Bill looked around the large room. It was mostly empty, other than faint writing on the walls. He walked the huge room, reading everything he could, and trying to memorize everything.
This is perfect, Bill thought, reading the barley legible writing and pictures.
In his subconscious, Bill didn't realize the rock behind him. He stumbled over it, and fell to the ground, forcing him to look up. A small black camera was mounted on the top of the cave walls fanned over the room, catching everything on video. Bill scrambled to his feet and grabbed his torch, which was already about to go out. Talking a few steps back, quickly rescanning the messages on the walls, Bill turned around and started to run out of the cave.
* * *
"We'll see you kids later," Gruncle Stan said, walking out the door.
"Where are you guys going?" Dipper yawned, still exhausted from staying up so late.
"We're going to Fiddleford's mansion for an hour or two," Gruncle Stan replied. "Don't worry, we won't be gone for long."
"Bye!" Mabel waved from the couch.
Gruncle Stan took a second look at the three kids before closing the door behind his brother.
"They'll be fine, Stan," Gruncle Ford called to his brother, opening the car door.
Gruncle Stan sighed, and got into the car, driving to Fiddleford's mansion. Once they arrived, they were greeted by their old pal.
"Its good to see you, Fiddleford," Ford said, giving him a handshake.
"Yeah, yeah, let's get a move on, shall we?" Stan said impatiently.
"Of corse. Come in, come in."
Fiddleford led the twins into his study. A desk in the middle of the room as littered with scraps of paper and tens of  books stacked on top of each other.
"I knew you were researching this thing , but jeez!" Stan exclaimed.
"Well what else would I do?" Fiddleford asked. "You told me you found a some what mythological creature! It's incredible!"
"What did you find?" Ford asked, looking around the room, and reading the covers of the books.
"Unfortunately, nothing much," Fiddleford sighed. "An axolotl is a type of salamander, really close to a tiger salamander. It's a critically endangered species, and dwells near the bottom of the ocean. From what I read, it comes from Mexico. Where were you two this time?"
"We were somewhere far the coast of Virginia," Ford replied, not looking up from his book.
Stan leaned against the book shelf, crossing his arms, and tapping his foot on the floor.
"And you said in your Morse code it fell into your boat?"
"Well, kind of," Ford explained. "It-"
Ford took a rigid gasp of air, and fell to his knees.
"Stanford!" Stan exclaimed, trying to run over to him, but yelped in alarm, and he too fell to the ground, blood trickling from his eye.
Fiddleford quickly ran to the far room, and broke a thin glass wall. He grabbed the high-powered gun, and armed it.
"Show yourself!" He exclaimed.
Ford began to laugh maliciously. He staggered to his feet.
"Bill," Fiddleford began to shake. "I thought you were dead!"
"Wrong person," Ford said in his normal yet different voice. "Try again. I'm curious to see who you'd pick."
Is this what Stanford was talking about? Fiddleford asked himself. Is this Axolotl?
"Ding, ding, ding!"
Fiddleford shook his head, trying not to think of anything else.
Axolotl/Ford grinned. "I want to make a trade."

Thank you so much for reading another chapter! Ugh! I missed an entire week! And this is a short chapter too. I just took on another sport, so I have something every weekday, not including home work, so I think I'm going to stay with updates on the weekends. But anyways, still haven't drawn, but I found this corse, and it looks really cool, so I may take that. I don't consider myself an "artist" but just a person that likes to doodle from time to time. Have an awesome day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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