Chapter eight

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"Dipper, wake up!" Mabel whispered, shaking Dipper awake.
"Wha-" Dipper slowly got up.
"Dipper it's already ten. Bill and I've been up for an hour already.
Wait. Bill? I thought- then Dipper remembered.
"I already got something to eat, Pine tree," Bill said. "Shooting star gave me something called a 'muffin'."
Dipper sat up to see Bill wearing another one of Dipper's t-shirts and shorts.
"Dipper come on! You said we could go to the mall for a Bill makeover!" Mabel said excitedly.
"Ok, ok I'm up," Dipper said still yawning. "But didn't Grunkle Stan say not to go into town?"
"He said that yesterday! Besides," Mabel whispered the last part, "we already know who Bill is. We have our guns so there isn't really going to be a problem."
"Fine. Just sneak Bill out of the Mystery Shack and wait for me in the gift shop. I'll be down there soon."
Once they left, Dipper grabbed his hat from the nightstand, and changed into his hoodie, formally known as his vest. He sat down on his bed, and looked at his cap.
You can't get attached to Bill, Dipper thought. You know what will happen if Grunkle Ford catches him. Besides he deserves it. He tried taking over the world. So why do I always feel protective of him? I need to stop and focus on how I'm going to get rid of the Northwests. I don't have time to think of "how I feel".
Dipper placed his hap back on his head, and walked downstairs to meet up with Mabel.
"Finally," Mabel said. "You were taking as long as I would!"
"Pff, you don't take that long."
"Where's Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked.
"What's up, Pumpkin?" Grunkle Stan asked, coming from behind the vending machine.
"There you are!" Mabel exclaimed. "Me and Dipper are going to the mall for a little."
"Didn't I just tell you kids not to go into town?" Grunkle Stan sighed.
"We'll be fine Grunkle Stan," Dipper replied. "We have the mini quantum destabilizers."
Grunkle Stan sighed.
"Alright, but if you're not back by four o'clock sharp, me and Ford are coming to find you." Grunkle Stan tossed Dipper the keys to his old car.
"Alright. See you at four," Dipper said. The twins waved goodbye to their great uncle, and went outside.
"Smart move, Stanley," Ford said. "We'll have more time to figure out what's happening with your eye, without letting them find out."
"I know, I just wish we could spend more time together. They're in their own little world, and I wish we could join them. We don't have a lot of time left, you know?"
"I know," Ford placed his six-fingered hand on Stanley's shoulder. "But for now, we have to figure this out."
"Alright." Stanley followed Ford back into the basement, closing the vending machine behind him.
"Hey Mabel, have you noticed anything off about Grunkle Stan?" Dipper asked. "He's acting more secretive than usual. And so is Grunkle Ford."
"I noticed that too," Mabel agreed. "Let's investigate after the mall. We have to find Bill a 'good look' first."
Bill came up to the twins.
"Let's go to this 'mall'" Bill sounded excited.
They all hoped into the car, and drove off.
*they've been at the mall for a few hours*
"Oh! Let's go here next!" Mabel said excitedly, running off into an American Eagle store.
Dipper and Bill's hands were filled with endless bags of clothes.
"Mabel!" Dipper called after her.
The two guys ran after her. The store was huge, with a crowd of people looking at clothes.
"Shooting star!" Bill called out.
"I got this," Dipper said, taking a deep breath. "Pigs are overrated!" He shouted.
"Come and fight me, jerk!" Mabel shouted back, clearly offended.
"Found her."
Dipper and Bill ran in the direction of the noise. They found Mabel standing on top of a t-shirt table, looking for the person who dissed her pet pig.
"Mabel! There you are!" Dipper exclaimed.
"Not now Dipper, I'm trying to find the jerk that was hating on Waddles!"
"Shooting star, Dipper just said that to get your attention," Bill explained.
Dipper slapped his hand on Bill's mouth.
"Dipper," Mabel's eye twitched with annoyance, "is that true?"
"What? Mabel it was just to get your attention."
Mabel jumped off the table and tackled Dipper to the ground.
"Mable get off of me!"
"You dissed my Waddles!" Mabel shouted.
People started to take notice.
"Mable, would you get off? I didn't mean it!"
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite twins!"
Mabel and Dipper stopped wrestling, and looked up.
"It's Lama," Bill angrily whispered.
"What are you even doing?" Pacifica asked. "You look like such dorks. Oh and thanks for leaving me at the docks, dip dip."
Shoot! Dipper thought. I was so caught up with Bill I forgot all about Pacifica!
Bill looked at Dipper.
Is that fear is his eyes? Bill thought.
"But whatever. It's your first mistake, and I'm sure it your last. Right boyfriend?"
"Yes," Dipper replied, not looking directly at Pacifica, "it won't happen again."
"As I thought. Who's the weirdo with the yellow contact lenses?" Pacifica gestured to Bill
That little- Bill started.
"You're not important," Pacifica grabbed his face and shoved him away.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" Dipper yelled.
"Or what? Don't forget who has the upper hand Dipper."
Dipper gritted his teeth.
"Don't explode, her parents are watching," Mabel whispered to Dipper. I want to punch her in the teeth. Bill thought. If only I was in my true form.
"So dip dip," Pacifica continued, "there's a Summerween party at our new mansion next Saturday. You and pig lover over here can come, but the pirate with the fake eye can't come near it." Pacifica handed Dipper and Mable invitations.
"See you then, Dip dip, and don't forget to learn how to dance."
Pacifica gave Dipper a kiss on the cheek, before grabbing a bag of clothes from Bill's hands and threw it across the store.
"For the peasants who want free junk, go ahead and take it from the bag." Pacifica laughed, and left the store.
Bill ran over and got the bad before people could get into it.
"I can't believe her!" Mabel exclaimed. "She has us tied up like a puppet!"
"We'll figure something out Mabel, we always do," Dipper said unenthusiastically.
"You've been saying that for the past two years, Dipper," Mabel's head landed on Dippers shoulder.
Bill gave Dipper a worried look.
Is this what they were talking about? Bill wondered. I do know one thing. I need to help Dipper.
"How are going to fix this, Dipper?" Mabel asked.
"I don't know, Mabel," Dipper sighed. "I don't know."
Thank you so much for reading another chapter! I know there was a lot of fluff at the beginning, but hey. Stories gaughta fluff.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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