Chapter thirteen

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Dipper grabbed his sheets, and tore off pieces to wrap around Bill's arms.
"You can't do this to yourself," Dipper whispered.
"I told you Pine Tree, I won't do it again," Bill winced as Dipper tightened one of his wraps.
"Promise?" Dipper asked, his eyes like stars, staring deep into Bill's yellow eye.
Bill grabbed Dipper's shoulders, and pulled him into his chest.
"I promise, my little sapling. Go back downstairs and spend some time with your family. I'll be fine up here."
Dipper nodded, and left the room.
About thirty minutes before the party began, Bill started to worry for his human, and his twin sister.
I can't let them go alone. Bill decided, pacing around the room. But how can I get in? It's not I have a invitation.
"Bill, we're about to leave for the party," Dipper and Mabel popped into the room.
"How do I look?" Dipper asked, blushing under his mask.
Whoa, Bill thought.
Dipper was dressed in a fancy suit and tie, with a black cap, paired with a black feather sticking out the back. Bill's face turned red.
"You look alright," Bill admitted, tightening Dipper's tie.
"Ahem," Mabel coughed. "Dipper, we need to go."
"Oh, right," Dipper sighed. "I'll see you later, Bill."
Dipper left the room.
"Hey Bill," Mabel looked over at Bill.
Bill looked at Mabel.
"Don't tell Dipper, but you're coming too."
"Change back into your tux, and lets go."
Bill smiled at Mabel, and changed once she left. Bill quickly ran into Grunkle Stan's old car before the twins got there.
"Be back by midnight," Grunkle Ford said, hugging his great niece and nephew.
"Don't have too much fun," Grunkle Stan warned, hugging Dipper and Mabel after his brother. "I'll see you two tonight."
Dipper and Mabel waved to their Grunkles, and drove off, with Dipper unaware of who was in the back seat.
A few minutes later, the Pines twins made it to the new Northwest mansion.
"You go if Dipper, I'll follow you in a few."
Uncertain with his sister's idea, Dipper stepped out of the red mustang, and walked up the judge stairs of the new mansion. A few minutes later, Mabel turned around, facing Bill.
"Ok, here's the deal. I'll give you my invitation for the party," Mabel said, handing the slip of paper to Bill.
But before Bill could take it, Mabel started to talk again.
"But, you have to promise you won't do any 'Bill type stuff'. No possession, or evil type stuff. Got it?"
"But I don't have a mask," Bill stuttered, surprised at Mabel's sudden interest at helping him.
"Take mine," Mabel said, handing the ex-demon her mask and her invitation. "Why do you think I got a yellow one?Just don't take this for granted. Dipper really cares about you," Mabel sighed.
"And you don't?"
Mabel didn't answer right away. "I'm... still trying to piece this all together. I'm not sure if I can trust you or not."
Bill smiled. "Thanks Shooting Star."
"Just do it for Dipper."
Bill got out of the car, placed the yellow mask on his face, and walked in, handing Mabel's invitation to the butler at the giant gateway. Bill tightened his bow tie.
Let's do this.
Thank you so much for reading another chapter. Wow an update on a Monday! I felt like writing, and I don't have a lot of homework so hey, why not right?
Ok so tell we why Taylor Swift's new song "look what u made me do" (or something like that) reminds me of Bildip. Idk maybe I'm loosing it. Lol just kidding, I already lost it. Anyways!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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