Chapter five

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"I'm back!" Mabel shouted.
"Hey pumpkin how was the sleepover?" Grunkle Stan asked.
"It was great! Grenada and Marius were video chatting when I got there. Augh! They were so cute!"
"Yeah," Grunkle Stan sighed. The older twins looked at each other.
"What's up?" Mabel asked. "Where's Dipper?"
"Dipper's fine, Mabel," Grunkle Ford reassured. "He just went to the docks with Pacifica."
"Ugh, Pacifica," Mabel scoffed. "I'm so sorry. If I didn't destroy the memory gun..."
"Mabel don't talk like that," Grunkle Stan said, putting his hands on Mabel's shoulder.
"It's not your fault she took that path," Grunkle Ford chimed in. "Don't go down a parallel one."
"I know, I know, but it's killing me!" Mabel exclaimed.
"It'll all work out. Trust me," Grunkle Stan said. "Trust me."
Mabel looked straight into his eyes.
"I trust you."

"Get over here you human Dorito!" Dipper shouted after Bill, who was only a few feet from the Mystery Shack.
Dipper dive tackled Bill to the ground.
"Hey!" Bill exclaimed.
Dipper laughed.
"But wait. What's a Dorito!" Bill asked.
"Oh, right," Dipper said. "It's- it's a kind of human food."
"Food? You said you would get me food. Is that what will make me feel better?"
"Uh, yeah, but let's not eat Doritos."
"Why not?" Bill asked.
Dipper's face turned red.
"Let's just not. Now come on. I still have to sneak you past everyone in the Shack. Speaking of which, no one saw you come out of the Shack, right?"
Why is it suddenly so hot? And why is my face crunching? If Dipper finds out I'm so dead!
"Yeah! Duh," Bill finished. "Please Pine tree, I'm a demon who lived for millions of years. Trust me kid, I know what I'm doing."
"Mhm," Dipper said suspiciously. "I'll be back."
Dipper opened the back door, and peeked through.
No sign of Stan or Ford. Dipper thought. They're probably in the gift shop.
Dipper opened the back door and gestured Bill to follow. They both swiftly made their way upstairs to the attic and into Dipper and Mabel's room.
"I got the door," Bill said, and reached for the door handle. Once the door was closed a figure jumped onto Bill's back from what was once behind the door.
"Ahh!" Bill shouted. "I'm being attacked!"
Dipper whipped around.
"Surprise! Miss me Dipper?" Mabel asked Bill. "Wait. You aren't-"
"Hey! Get off me-" Bill started until he realized who it was. "Uh."
"Mabel! Hey! How was the sleepover?" Dipper asked.
What?! She's here?! I assumed she was with Stan!
"What are those tattoos on your back?" Mabel asked getting off of Bill
"It's nothing," Bill quickly said, as he put his back against the wall.
Mabel gasped.
"I can explain!" Dipper quickly said.
"Dipper I didn't know you were into guys!" Mabel exclaimed.
"What?" Dipper asked.
"Isn't this your new BOYFRIEND?" Mabel asked.
She's lost it. Bill thought.
Why is she jumping to conclusions? Dipper asked. Whatever, I can use this.
"Er- yes, this is my boyfriend," Dipper gritted through his teeth.
"Really?" Mabel's face lit up and looked at Bill.
Bill gave Dipper a smug look.
Just play along. I mouthed to him. Don't get any ideas.
"Hi! I'm Mabel!" Mabel said.
"Hey, I'm Bill-ly. It's Billy," Bill introduced himself.
Whew! Saved it. Bill thought.
What the heck Bill?! Dipper thought. Well, at least he didn't say Bill.
Bill held out a hand.
"Oh, sorry, I don't shake hands," Mabel said. "Sorry it's kinda weird, but something happened four years ago, so I'm not big on shaking hands."
"Oh ok," Bill said getting up.
"Here, catch," Dipper said throwing Bill his sweatshirt.
As Bill put on Dipper's sweatshirt, Mabel inched toward Dipper.
"So, Dipper," Mabel whispered. "Already giving him your sweatshirts huh?"
"Mabel!" Dipper whispered, his face turning red.
"Hehehe. But wait. What's up with his eye patch?" Mabel asked.
"Uh," Dipper started.
Shoot! I haven't thought of that!
"It was pirate theme at the docks today," Bill lied. "I guess Dipper didn't know."
"Grunkle Ford said you went to the docks with Pacifica," Mabel said suddenly being suspicious. "Dipper, does she know?"
"Mabel, you know she isn't my girlfriend," Dipper sighed. "You know what would happen if we don't meet her demands."
Mabel sighed.
"I know. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have trusted her."
"What's going on?" Bill asked.
"It's nothing Billy," Mabel said.
Dipper couldn't help but snicker at Bill's fake name. Bill gave Dipper a funny look.
"What?" Mabel asked.
"It's nothing," Bill said.
Bill's stomach growled.
"Dipper?" Bill asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be right back. Come on Mabel," Dipper said, grabbing Mabel's hand.
Once they were downstairs, Dipper started talking.
"Hey Mabel," he said. "Can you not tell Stan or Ford about this?"
"Why?" Mabel asked. Mabel suddenly gasped. "Is someone embarrassed?"
When Dipper didn't say anything, Mabel spoke again.
"You totally are!" She gave Dipper a playful hug.
"Yeah, whatever," Dipper said, covering his red face with his hat. "Let's just get some snacks. I don't think," -Dipper smirked-"Billy had anything to eat today."
"Ok, ok," Mabel said.
"Kids is that you?" Grunkle Stan asked walking into the kitchen, Hrunkle Ford close behind. 
"Yeah! We're just grabbing some snacks." Mabel replied.
"We have to talk to you," Grunkle Ford said. He looked at his brother. "It's about Bill."

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