Chapter seventeen

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An uneventful week past. Dipper, Bill, and Mabel managed to stay out of trouble. Finally, on the next Friday...
"Hey kids," Grunkle Stan started.
Dipper and Mabel both looked up from their dinners.
"Me and your uncle've been thinking, why don't we go fishing tomorrow, you know, like old times."
The younger twins looked at each other with an excited expression.
"That sounds awesome!" Dipper exclaimed.
"Of corse we'll go. We haven't done that in ages!" Mabel agreed.
"Fantastic. We can head to the docks tomorrow morning, after breakfast," Grunkle Ford decided.
The Pines family finished their meal, and headed off to sleep.
"Hey Bill, we're going to the lake again to go fishing with the Grunkles tomorrow," Mabel said, closing the attic door.
"And this time, don't follow us," Dipper whispered to Bill.
"Alright, alright," Bill rolled his eye. "I'll be here."
Mabel decided fall asleep, but Dipper kept his lantern light on, continuing to try and decode the ciphers he found. He decided to focus on the one Bill found at the lake.
"Ok Dipper," Dipper started to talk to himself. "Bill already told you Z=Z, Y=Y, and A=X. So why doesn't it work, if B doesn't equal W?"
"Probably because whoever created the cipher, really screwed up, making it," Bill finished.
(Yeah, yeah, whatever Bill...)
"The creator accidentally started on the wrong letter while making the puzzle. Whoever he or she was," Bill laughed. "They're a bigger idiot than you were four years ago."
(Bill, shut up! Yeash)
"So how did you do it?" Dipper asked.
"It's a simple cipher to make, just really confusing to whoever tries to solve it. I told you, Pine tree, I'm not solving it for you."
Dipper sighed. "Alright, alright. I got this."
Dipper stayed up for hours, chewing up pens, and pencils.
"Pine tree, go to sleep," Bill whispered. "You're going to hook your own hand tomorrow."
"I'll be fine," Dipper replied. "Just a few more tries."
A few hours later, Dipper fell asleep, pen, still in his mouth. Bill got up, and took the pen out of Dipper's mouth, and put it back on his desk. He then picked up the sleeping teen, and placed him on his sleeping bag, on the floor. Bill grabbed the lamp, and blew out the tiny fire inside.
"Good night, Pine tree."

Meanwhile in the basement...
"Are you sure you can go fishing tomorrow?" Ford asked.
"I'll be fine poindexter. I think this new thing you made actually works. Uh, what exactly did you do again?"
"I analyzed the trigger point, or what happens before your eye starts bleeding. I whipped up a counter solution for it, and applied it to your DNA. Even though we don't know know why it happens, we can at least make a temporary solution for it."
"So basically you just nerded up my eye," Stan concluded.
"Erm, sure. Let's get bed. I don't want the kids to worry about us not having enough sleep."
Stan nodded, and followed his brother upstairs.

The next morning, Dipper and Mabel both changed into their bathing suits, and quickly got something to eat for Bill, before their Grunkles woke up. The Pines family ate Stan cakes, and drove to the docks for their fishing trip.
"Mabel, do you know what this means?" Dipper whispered to his sister. "I can finally show you that stone plaque I was talking to you about."
"Isn't that way off shore though? We'd have to sneak away from the Grunkles."
"Why can we just bring them along?" Dipper asked. "I'm sure they would want to see it to."
"Do you think it's such a great idea?" Mabel whispered back. "You said Bill found it. Why would you be that far away from the docks if you weren't out exploring, and I'm pretty sure Pacifica isn't the 'adventurous type.'"
Dipper sighed. "You're probably right."
"What's going on back there?" Grunkle Stan asked. "You two've been awfully quiet."
The twins quickly sat up.
"Everything's great back here," Mabel smiled. "I can't wait to go fishing with my two favorite Grunkles, that's all."
Dipper saw his Grunkles smile in the two front seats.
A few minutes later, the Pines family arrived at the docks.
"Alright, you two ready to see the Stan-o-War II?" Grunkle Stan asked, walking up to a boat, covered by a sheet.
Dipper and Mabel looked at each other with excited expressions.
"Behold!" Grunkle Ford exclaimed, as he and his brother grabbed the sheet, and tore it off of the boat.
It was a fair-sized boat. Dipper guessed it was around twenty or thirty feet long. It was mainly blue, with a white stripe, and read "Stan-o-War II" in big, black, bold letters on each side of the ship. Mabel gasped.
"Is this really it?" Mabel asked.
"Yup," Grunkle Stan said proudly, and put his arm around his brother's shoulders. "Me and this guy built this ourselves. Not bad for old men eh?"
"This is amazing!" Dipper was struck in awe. "It looks like a professional made it! You two travel the world in this?"
"Yeah. And it's perfect for fishing too," Grunkle Ford smiled. "You two ready for a full day of fishing?"
"Are we?" Mabel asked rhetorically, putting her old fishing hat on that Grunkle Stan made her and her brother a few years ago.
"What are we waiting for?" Dipper asked, also putting on his hat. "Let's go fishing!"
Thank you so much for reading another chapter. Sorry this one took so long to write. I had something, but decided to save it for later. Hehehe. I'm evil. Also, Bill started to harass me. He's been messing around with my drawings. He wanted to to just post me drawing "himself". That weirdo. Welp. Here it is:

 Here it is:

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Ta dah! Ima give credit for the artist that originally drew the human bill

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Ta dah! Ima give credit for the artist that originally drew the human bill. I kinda used a reference on all of them except the homework one. Welp. Hope you like it.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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