Chapter thirty six

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Bill swung his legs over the side of the dock, and placed his head on DIpper's shoulder. The sun had already began to sink behind the dark blue lake.
"So when are the fireworks going to appear?" Bill asked.
"Not for a couple of minutes, the sun hasn't set yet," Dipper smiled, still looking out into the lake. "Luckily Mabel and the Stan's went to set up fireworks, so we have a bit of time to ourselves."
Bill chuckled at the thought of Dipper's family coming back and seeing them like this.
"I'm glad your foot is feeling better," Dipper smiled.
"Yeah, me too."
He splashed the water below, creating little ripples in the murky lake.
"Hey!" Dipper exclaimed, "you're going to get my shoes wet!"
"If you're so worried about your shoes, why don't I just dump you in the lake?" Bill asked, pushing Dipper.
"Ah!" Dipper clutched Bill's arm. "You little-"
"Dip Dip!" a voice rung from the crowd.
"Here Comes the drama Llama," Bill rolled his eyes.
The boys turned around, seeing Pacifica, wearing a skimpy American flag tang-top, and short jean shorts. Her "probably fake blonde hair" wAs pulled back into a neat ponytail, with an American flag hair band separating her hair from her bangs.
"Ugh, what are you doing with him?" she asked, pointing to Bill. "This lame excuse for a person. Hah! And look, he's still wearing that stupid eyepatch. How's it going, pirate?"
"My Name is Bill," Bill gritted through his teeth.
"Pirate suits you better," Pacifica lightly placed her hand over her mouth, giggling. "So anyways, Dip Dip, wanna come sit we me instead of this looser and watch the fireworks?"
"As if I'd ever sit with you," Dipper replied. "And stop calling him names, you blonde highschool freak show. Where's the rest of your crew? Did they find someone decent to hang out with?"
"Um, excuse me?" she asked, her face becoming red. "Don't forget who has the number to the agents." Pacifica pulled out the agent's card from her jean pockeT.
"Pine Tree," Bill whispered, "I thought Llama already called the agents."
"So did I," he whispered back, "Mabel said she even got a text from Pacifica, saying she did."
"Now, unless you want me to call them," Pacifica taunted, waving the card in front of their faces, "I suggest-"
Bill reached over Dipper, and snatched the card from Pacifica's hand.
"Hey! Give it back!" Pacifica trying to reach over Dipper.
Bill grabbed the two ends of the card, and began to tear it.
"Don't you dare!" Pacifica shouted, leaning in front of Dipper, trying to reach the card in time.
Bill tore the card into countless pieces, and blew tHem out into the lake.
"No!" Pacifica screamed, trying to reach the pieces as they flEw away.
Pacifica had her fingertips around one of the pieces. Dipper looked away, and gave Pacifica a slight push. She waved her arms, trying to grab something, but ended up falling into the algae-infested water below. She reemerged, mascara running from her eyes. Bill feLl backwards, and started to laugh. Dipper did the same.
Without saying a word, Pacifica climbed back onto the docks, and ran for her limo. Mabel walked over to the laughing teens, confused.
"Was that Pacifica?" Mabel asked, gesturing to the white limo, leaving the docks.
DiPper nodded, unable to talk through his laughter.
"You should've seen her face!" Bill exclaimed, continuing to laugh.
"Seen what?" Gruncle Stan asked, walking towards them with his brother. "Did we miss the fireworks already?"
A canon like sound, boomed in the distance, making Bill jump in surprise. A huge flash of light shattered across the night sky, lighting up the entire lake.
"Wow!" Mabel breathed.
Another boom rang in Bill's ears, making him scramble backwards into Dipper.
"What's wrong?" Dipper asked, grabbing Bill's shoulders, trying to calm him down.
"I'm cool, I'm cool," Bill tried sounding confident, but his voice became a whimper.
Bill cringed as another boom rang across the lake.
"EverYthing's ok, Bill," Dipper tried to convince him. "It's just a noise. Mabel and I used to get scared all the time, too."
Fireworks continued to fire, creating loud sounds, so loud, it shook the boardwalk.
"I dOn't remember them being this loud," Gruncle Stan placed his hangs on his chin.
"I may have added a little 'kick' to them," Gruncle Ford blushed.
Bill was about to get up, but Dipper grabbed his hand.
"Why don't I just do this?" Dipper placed his hands in front of Bill's ears.
"Not so loud, isn't it?" Dipper asked from behind him.
Bill nodded, and continued to watch the fireworks, with Dipper close behind him. The finale finally came, and the fireworks became rapid. Bill noticed one of the canisters were tilted sideways. It became lit, and was aboUt to fire.
"Look out!" Bill shouted, tackling the rest of the Pines family to the boardwalk.
"Hey, get off of me!" Gruncle Ford shouted.
The firework shot, releasing a huge 'boom.'
Bill watched the firework race past them, finally exploding near a rock wall, loosening it, and revealing a smooth wall. Bill took a quick look at the map while everyone was still in shock.
That's the place, Bill thought.
Bill tucked the map into his pocket again, and looked at the person who shot the firework. Bill looked through the clouds of smoke that shielded his vision. Once it cleared, there was no one in sight.
"Is everyone alright?" Gruncle Ford asked, frantically scanning his family for injuries.
"No, we're fine," Dipper coughed.
"Thanks Bill," Mabel said, slapping his back.
"Ow!" Bill exclaimed.
"Ah! Sorry, I always forget I'm stronger than I realize."
Voices and other noises faded into the background. Bill looked over at the uncovered wall. A light outline of a salamander-like figure was engraved into the smooth, stone wall.

Thank you so much for reading another chapter! AUGH! MY SHIPPPPP. I guess all of our ships... but anyways!!! This spooky stuff, huh? It's about to get guuuuuuut. Anyways again, I didn't draw, but eh. I was too salty I didn't get an A+ in English this semester. Have an awesome day!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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