Chapter fifty five

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The shock of the portal collapser sent Dipper flying so far, he was almost at the beach. He quickly came up for air, rapidly looking around for Mabel. Bill's head bobbed in the water a few feet away from where he was, and out in the distance, he could see Gruncle Ford and his brother a little ways away, but Mabel was nowhere to be seen. Dipper felt his heart become corrupted, and slowly disintegrate. The dust of his heart flew away in the wind, scattering them to the four corners of the earth. He swam closer the the spot where the center of the whirlpool was, moving faster as he got closer. Bill saw him and instantly followed. As they reached the center, Dipper frantically splashed around, looking for his sister.
"Mabel!" Dipper screamed, "Mabel you can come out, we won!"
"Pine Tree," Bill softened the tone of his voice, forcing him not to choke on his works. "Mabel- she isn't coming back."
"No, no she's still here," Dipper's voice cracked with grief. "She'll pop out of the water any time now."
They waited a few more minutes in silence, allowing Gruncle Stan and Gruncle Ford to swim to them.
"Dipper," Gruncle Ford forced himself to come to the realization she was gone, "there's no way she saved herself. She sacrificed-"
"She's not gone!" Dipper yelled.
Dipper took a huge breath, and slipped under the waves. A few more moments of silence hit them. After Dipper didn't come back up for air, panic set inside Bill's body and he decided to follow him. He saw the last of Dipper's air bubbles float to the surface. Bill squinted as he swam deeper and deeper into the water, until he reached the somewhat lifeless Dipper. He began to quickly run out of air, and he choked as he brought Dipper back onto the surface of the water. He gasped for air, coughing violently.
"He's not breathing!" Bill started to hyperventilate. "Is he dead?"
"Hurry, get him on the dock!" Gruncle Ford instructed.
Bill did as he was told, unable to think for himself. Gruncle Ford began to perform CPR.
"He'll be ok," Gruncle Stan said, putting his hand on Bill's shoulder. A few moments later, Dipper began to cough up water. Bill immediately fell to his side.
"Pine Tree! Oh my-"
"You should've left me down there," Dipper's face darkened, "that way I might've been with Mabel."

The next few weeks past in a blur. Reporters around the world came to Gravity Falls, trying to piece together the best story they could. After the Mystery Shack was finished rebuilding, an investigation began surrounding what would be called "the Mystery Shack Incident" began. The Pines family, including Bill, was interviewed, and questioned but they couldn't link any crimes to them, so they were let free. It was deemed the result of the force that began the apocalypse. Dipper secluded himself in the attic, not opening up to anyone and refusing to eat. Ever since then, Bill waited by the door of his bedroom, even sleeping there, just incase he ever wanted to talk. Dipper eventually found out. He angrily shouted at him, telling him it was his fault Mabel was gone, or he didn't try and save her. Bill had crawled onto the roof, and threw what was left of Mabel's sweater inside the room. Bill still hasn't heard from him since. Dipper's parents had called frequently, knowing Dipper's best friend, and their own daughter, has been killed. Gruncle Ford convinced them to allow Dipper to stay in Gravity Falls a bit longer, but he wasn't sure how long he could keep Dipper here to grief. Mabel's funeral was postponed because of the dozens and dozens of reporters and world leaders trying to ask the surrounding area what happened. The two Gruncles made sure none of them asked the two boys, fearing their apparent involvement in the matter. Soos and Melody arrived back at the Mystery Shack too, revealing they're both engaged, and they had plans to move out, allowing the Mystery Shack to finally be retired. People weren't happy about it, but with everything that happened, no one blamed them.

Gruncle Ford handed Bill another plate of food, and set one down for Dipper.
"Do you think he'll ever come out?" Bill asked, squeezing the pillow Dipper gave him closer to his chest.
Gruncle Ford sighed, and sat down next to him.
"I know it may seem hopeless, but people change. He'll come to realize she's gone."
"But when?" Bill asked, feeling his eyes starting to cloud. "It's been almost a month and a half, but he still hasn't come out of his room.
Gruncle Ford was silent before he began to speak. "Imagine you lost Dipper. What would you do?"
Bill looked at the food sitting in front of him.
"I've lost many people in my life, Bill," he said almost in a sad tone. "I've felt it all, anger, sadness, regret, guilt. He feels like his back is to the wall, but he doesn't want to get close to anyone. He feels like everyone is against him."
Bill slowly nodded.
"The best you can do for him is be there for him. That way when he is ready to talk, he won't feel like no one waited for him."
"How will I know when he's ready to talk?" Bill asked.
Gruncle Ford got up and gave Bill a smile. "You'll know when."
The next morning, Bill found himself inside Dipper's room, sleeping on Mabel's old bed. Shocked, he quickly sat up. He looked over at Dipper's bed. Dipper was sitting up with his feet hanging off the edge of the bed. He was an utter mess, heavy bags sagged under his eyes, his hair was too long, and he began to grow a beard. Mabel's sweater was next to his pillow, clearly more worn out than it already is.
"Pine Tree-" Bill pelt a shard of sadness pierce his heart.
Dipper gripped his blankets, not looking directly at Bill, and clearly holding back tears. Bill got up, and sat down next to Dipper. They both looked at each other, saying a thousand words with just their gaze. Bill gave a sympathetic smile, and held out his arms for a hug. Dipper hesitated, but quickly grabbed Bill, squeezing him closer. He took a sharp breath inwards, and began to cry. Bill wrapped his arms around him, finally able to fully embrace him in over two months.
"It's alright, shh," Bill cooed, nuzzling his cheek on Dipper's, "I'm here."

Thank you guys so much for reading another chapter! So I could totally end the book here, but everyone would probably scream, or not idk, so I'm going to write one more chapter as the final "resolution". I hope you guys are as excited as I am! And I hope EVERYONE has an amazing day.
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine.

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