Chapter twenty one

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Dipper fell to his knees, covering his mouth and trying to hold back his tears, but it didn't work. It never did. Behind him, the former dream demon ran out of the room, and slammed the door behind him. Mabel bent down in front her twin brother, and pulled him into a hug, her tears making Dipper's shirt wet. They both inhaled sharply.
"I'll be ok," Mabel whispered.
"No it wont," Dipper whispered back.
Mabel didn't answer.

Deep in the Gravity Falls forest, Bill could barely see through his tears. Branches and thorns grabbed at him, and scraped his entire body, creating new cuts, and reopening old ones. A while after running, Bill started to feel fatigued. He stumbled a few steps later, and fell down on the soft dirt ground. On his knees, Bill screamed, grabbing the grass around him, and ripping it from the ground. He screamed as loud as he could rupturing the once silent outdoors. Bill pulled himself up against a tree, curled himself into a ball, and began to sob quietly on the cold forest floor.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Dipper vaguely remembered Mabel telling their Gruncles about the government, although she never mentioned Bill. Dipper felt like a feather, falling off of a duck flying by. He was drifting through the wind, ready to hit the ground at any second, but gets blown back up in the air by the wind once more. Dipper went back upstairs, leaving the rest of his relatives downstairs. Dipper dumped himself at his desk chair, and shoveled his hands through his hair, once again knocking his pine tree hat on the ground. Dipper sat silent in his room, until the clouds grew pink in the evening sky. Dipper decided to go to the window.
He'll be better off without us, Dipper thought, walking to the window, and sitting down on the sill.
Dipper noticed he sat on something. He got up, and looked down at his seat. It was Bill's black, triangular shaped eyepatch. Dipper covered his mouth, letting his tears fall onto his cheeks once more.
He forgot his eyepatch. How can he be able to cooperate in the forest, and not being able to see without a headache? I didn't even let him explain himself.
Dipper picked up the eyepatch, and ran it through his fingers.
I think I can help. A voice said.
"Who's there?" Dipper asked, his voice still shaking.
I go by many names, but this one you would never know of, It said.
"What do you want from me?"
You want your friend back, yes?
Dipper didn't answer, but the voice already knew the answer.
I can help you, It said. Not only with him, but with all of your troubles. Figuring out the cipher, getting rid of both the agents and the Northwest family, along with their legacy, even figuring out your Gruncles' secrets. All for a small price of just a bit of your time.
Dipper felt a chill run through him. Everything he wanted, all of his desires in one simple yes or no question.
What do you say? It asked. Do you want to make a trade?
"I... I'm not sure. I-" Dipper looked down at the eyepatch. Dipper took a deep breath, making his decision. "No. I'm not going to make a trade."
Are you sure? It asked I can give you everything you want. Just a simple yes.
"Thanks, but I'd rather figure it out with the people around me," Dipper replied, slowly running his pointer finger over the eyepatch again and again.
Very well, Dipper Pines, but be warned. Not everything will stay as it is.
And just as quick as it came, the presents of the strange being left Dipper's subconscious. Dipper pulled Bill's eyepatch up to his eye, and let go of it. The eyepatch, although not having any straps, stayed in place, not falling off his face. Dipper felt a sort of comfort while wearing the strange object. It stimulated and calmed him, letting him focus one one thing at a time.
I should've jumped to conclusions. Dipper thought. Gruncle Ford, Gruncle Stan, and Mabel may not trust you, but I do. Dipper took off the eyepatch, and clutched it in his hand. I'm sorry, Bill, I'm coming to get you.
Thank you for reading another chapter! I couldn't wait, I had to write. I know it's kinda moving fast, but I do have a lot of idears I want to share with y'all. I don't have anymore drawings to show with you guys, but I'll try to draw more. I had some projects and junk so. Yeah. Well anyways! Hope you guys have an awesome weekend!
Be brave.
Stay strong.
Always shine!

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