Lunch With Zenix and Sasha

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"I guess I'm gunna go get ready for lunch." I shrug.

"Can I come with you?" He smirks.

"I would say yes, but if Garroth found out he'd kill you." I smile and walk into the bedroom.

I grab a pair of shorts and take off mine, only to discover that the pair I found were Gene's. I hear the bedroom door open.

"Hey Y/N can you hand me my-"

I screams as my face turns red. Gene smirks and opens his mouth to say something, but he shakes his head and shuts the door silently.

I put on my shorts, still blushing and slip on a random t-shirt. Then, I walk out of the room and sit on the couch, not talking to Gene.

He laughs a bit, "I'm sorry babyyy~"

"Not gunna work this time." I cross my arms.

He sighs, "Lets get going though."

"I'm not going."

"C'mon, beautiful~" He begs.


"I mean," He smirks. "I can always get Zenix and Sasha to come over here."

I abruptly stand up. "LETS GO!"

Gene laughs and walks outside and to the car, I follow.


We walk into the Maid Cafe. Gene tries to hold my hand, but I give him the cold shoulder. We walk over to the table where Zenix and Sasha sit. Gene lets me in the booth first. He scoots in next to me but I cross my arms and scoot away.

"Whats the deal with you two?" Sasha asks.

"I accidentally saw-"

"SHHH!" I yell, being a hypocrite.

"I made a mistake and embarrassed her, now she's mad at me." He sigh.

"Well, I guess I can finally take Y/N." Zenix smirks.

"Fat chance." I spit.

"Fat boyfriend." Zenix laughs.

"I don't recall you being my boyfriend." I smile coldly.


"Gene, don't we have somewhere to be?" I clear my throat.

"HUH- Uhm- oh yeah. Sorry guys." He coughs.

"Whatever, cya." Zenix scoffs.

Sasha frowns, "Alright. Cya guys."

I storm out of the cafe with Gene following close behind me.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now