Never Take Gene to the Bar

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After parting ways with mom and the boys, I start to walk off to the car assuming Gene would follow me. He grabs my wrist instead.

"Huh? What are you-" I'm interrupted by him pulling me towards him and kissing me tenderly.

I smile and melt into his kiss.


We pull apart and walk to the car.

As we drive, Gene speaks. "Why don't we go somewhere else?"

"But Aphmau and Aaron!"

"They've got her, we'll just say that we got stuck in traffic." Gene shrugs.

"I dunno.."

"C'mon~ I know you wanna~" He smirks.

I sigh, "I do.. but-"

"Y/N, she's fine."

I give in. "Fine, fine. Okay. Where are we going?"

"I dunno, the bar?"

I laugh, "Thats not a good idea. I've seen you drunk before Gene."


"You were dancing on the tables yelling 'COYOTE UGLY' and grinding against your bottle." I snort.

"Pfft, I never did that."

"Mhm," I roll my eyes. "Sure."


I eventually give in and we arrive at the bar.

We get out and walk in, taking a seat at well- the bar.

"I'll take a shot of whatever." Gene shrugs.

I roll my eyes. "Gene, really?"

"What this time?"

"Excuse me sir, he'll have a double shot of vodka with a pinch of salt."

Gene snorts, "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!"

"Hey it was your idea to come here." I laugh.

"We may get arrested for drunk driving." He points out, choking down his drink.

I shrug. "I'll be sober."

"PFT... YOU'RE NOT GUNNA DRINK ANYTHING?" He shouts, hailing the bartender for another one.

"Uh, no."

He rolls his eyes, "Fine, fine. I can't force you too."

He pouts and looks at me with puppy dog eyes over his shot-glass.

"That is the biggest turn off known to man and it's not working."

"I tried." He shrugs and gulps down another shot.

"How the heck do you force that crap down?"

He shrugs again. "It'll be easier when I'm not sober."

I laugh and watch the clock while he drinks away whatever sanity he had left.


A few minutes later, I look up to see Gene flirting with the male bartender.

"EXCUSE ME SIR," I laugh to the bartender. "HE'S ENGAGED AND STRAIGHT."

I glance around the room and see Zenix. I smirk and point at him. "But he isn't, go get on that."

The bartender runs over to Zenix and I watch as he squirms.

I tug Gene's arm, "It's time for you to go home."


I roll my eyes and push him into the car, shutting the door.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now