Reliving Childhood Trauma

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I eventually make my way back home, knowing dang well that Gene is probably gone or sitting on the couch. There is no in between. I swing the door open and theres Gene, sprawled out on the couch.

"Took you long enough..." He mutters.

I just glare at him and walk upstairs, "Whatever.."

"Y/N..." He sighs and sits up, "Wait a second..."

I slowly turn around. This moment reminds me of when I was younger... There was a time when I was still attending Okasis Prep and I was hanging out with a friend. I was 14, so my curfew was fairly early. 9:00 to be exact.


One day though, we lost track of time in the park. We weren't doing anything bad, just writing and drawing on a park bench. Neither of us noticed that it got dark because we were so absorbed in our drawings.

I remember exactly what I was drawing, my mom. My friend, Skyler, was drawing her cat. It wasn't really a detailed drawing on my behalf or hers.

But, again, we never really paid attention to time. The street lamp was behind us, we could still see, and it wasn't too cold either.

When I finished, I glanced at my watch. What I saw was not very pleasant.

"Oh no! Skyler! It's 10:27!!" I remember telling her.

"Oh crap! We gotta go!!" She shouted and we both sprinted in different directions home.

As I crashed in through the door, I saw my dad on the couch...

-Flashback End-

"Ahem? Y/N?" I snap back into reality to see Gene in front of me. "Aren't you gunna answer me? I'm concerned..."

"Huh?" I look up at him and tilt my head.

"Where were you, Y/N? Why were you gone so long?"

"Why does it matter? I can take care of myself..." I mutter.

Definitely reminding me of..


"Where were you? Who were you with?" Dad asked me with a cruel smile.

I stay silent.

"Aren't you gunna answer me! I'm genuinely worried..."

-Flashback End-

"Really Y/N? You couldn't just a few days ago..." He shoots back.

"I was stabbed, theres a reason for that.."

He questions, "How do I know you weren't stabbed again?"

"Just stop." I shake my head. "Does it look like I've been stabbed?"

"No, but am I not allowed to be worried about you? You're my wife, after all."


Dad had just slapped me across the cheek when mom came downstairs.

"Is she- ...." Mom froze at the sight of my red cheek.

"Yes, she's back, Zianna."

"Garte.." She begins. "Don't be so hard on her..."

"I'm just concerned." He hits me again, and again, and again. "Am I not allowed to care about my daughter's whereabouts?"

-Flashback End-

"Y/N... do you need to lay down?" Gene asks me.


It was the next day. Dad was gone and it was a Saturday. Mom had noticed that I was dozing in and out of it all day.

"Honey, do you need to lie down?"

-Flashback Ends-

"Y/N? What's wrong?" He asks, shaking my shoulder.


They always asked me at school, "Are you okay? Whats wrong?"

At Okasis Prep, the only friends I had were Zane and Skyler. They knew what was wrong... ish.

I'd always space out in school, once it was a really bad day and I broke down and cried for 'no reason'.

-Flashback End-

The next thing you know, I'm laying in bed. I sit up, "Huh?"

"I had to bring you here... You're spacing out..."

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