Brent and Carter

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MMM YEAH "I'm into flipping things" its gunna be that kinda day for me guys xD

Im introducing new characters this chapter, if you have question for them/about them, comment them below. They're OC's; not based off of ANYONE. Any coincidences are PURELY coincidences. Mkay? Mkay.

Madison's POV

I walk through the forest, followed by some new recruits. Terri was there, too. But, I'd rather not note his existence.

One of the new recruits was named Brent. He had dark skin and short black skin. His eyes were hazel and wide. He wore royal blue armor and carried two pistols.

The other recruit was Carter. She was pale and had brunette hair and bangs that covered her left eye. Her armor was gray and she had a bow and arrow.

Brent and Carter... have a weird relationship. Brent is super flirty, but he also respects Carter as a person. He is persistent with her, but she also kinda scares her. Brent is set on winning Carter's love: that's evident. But he's like Travis Valkrum; he flirts with everyone.

"Madison, you're armor really suits your figure! And the magenta makes your eyes pop." He winks.

I groan. "That's the third time you've told me that in the last five minutes."

Carter glares at him. "Pervert."

He turns to her, "Eh?!"

"I called you a pervert. Seriously, buzz off. She doesn't sound interested." She rolls her eyes.

"Sorry, sorry! Don't be mad, honey!" He apologizes.

She sucker punches him. "For the last time, I'm not your girlfriend."

"You look so pretty, though! Are you trying to taunt me?" He frowns.

She glares at him and raises her fist. "Maybe I should knock some sense into you."

"I was just telling you how beautiful you are!" He gasps.

"I don't need your clarification." She scoffs.

"Please, I'm so-"

"Sh!" I tell them, raising my sword.

Carter raises her bow and loads it. "What is it?"

The leaves of a nearby bush ruffle. Brent cocks his gun and Terri raises his hands.

A squirrel scurries across the forest floor and, on instinct, Carter shoots it right in the head. Brent runs over to it.

"Carter! Why?!" He frowns.

Carter's POV

A werewolf emerges from behind Brent and hits him upside the head with a hearty chuckle.

I growl and load my bow again. "STEP OFF!"

"Calm down, dolly." He smirk.

I shoot him in the leg and he slips and falls. "I WARNED YOU. STEP OFF."

The werewolf grits his teeth. "Is he your boyfriend or something, hun?"

I shoot him in the arm. "THAT'S FOR BEING AN ICARUS."

Madison raises her voice. "That's enough. Who do you work for?"

"I can't say." He squeezes his eyes shut.

"Terri," She commands.

Terri binds his arms to his sides using magic. Madison raises her voice, "Who do you work for?!"

The werewolf shakes his head. Terri tightens the binds and I shoot him in the wrist. Madison scowls, "LAST CHANCE, WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?"

"AGH.... EIN!" He groans.  Terri drops the bindings.

"Why are you here?" She demands to know.

"I was ordered to capture the first member I saw." He breathes heavily.

"The tables have turned. Carter, get Brent. Terri, wrap up this hooligan's  wounds. We're taking him." She orders.

We nod, "Yes, ma'am."

I walk over to Brent and put the back of my palm on his forehead. "Ugh, he's not gunna wake up."

I shake his arm, "Brent, get up."

He stirs a bit, but still lays down.

"Erg, Brent. C'mon!" I groan.

He rolls around and finally sits up. "What—?"

I roll my eyes. "Your love for animals literally does more harm than good."

He smirks and kisses my cheek, "Thanks for waking me up, sweetie."

I grunt and wipe my hand on my cheek. "Yeah, whatever."

Yeah, any questions for Brent or Carter can go in the comments, I'll try to answer them. I love these OC's tho, please don't trash them. (Ik someone's gunna do it anyway)

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