The Grand Duel (Pt. 3)

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Okay, real quick- this is getting flipping long like smh. And my wifi is acting up so I may not update much AND PRAY FOR THOSE INJURED IN THE JASON ALDEAN SHOOTING ;-; also fall break ends tomorrow andddd... IM SORRY I DON'T THINK I POSTED AT ALL LAST WEEK xD


Gene groans at the stench of my vomit in the grass. He frowns and me and scoots backwards away from it.

"Guys, this is stupid. Why are we letting them scare us off into the woods?" Gene yells. I nod in agreement.

"Well, do you have a better plan?" Madison sasses.

Gene rolls his eyes, "We fight!"

"Yeah, mhm. That'll work out in our favor for sure." Madison says sarcastically.

"We outnumber them majorly!! We just need to divise a plan!!" Gene argues.

Madison sighs, "Easier said then done."

He taps his fingers impatiently on the ground, thinking up an idea. "We can spit up. Madison will lead half behind them, I'll lead the other half in front of them. We fight to distract, you guys will fight to kill."

"And what about you wife? She's sicker than a dog." Madison spits.

"She can..." Gene thinks for a long time. "She'll go with you behind. All she'll have to do it stay a few feet behind. You guys can do a little stabby while she's at a safe distance."

"Hm... alright. This might work. But, what do we do if they see us coming?" Madison asks.

"You stab em' anyway!! By the time they notice, it'll be too late for them to defend themselves. All else fails, retreat west." Gene answers with ease.

She tilts her head, "Why west?"

"Hills, trees, rivers. Enough said." Gene shrugs.

"Mk, we'll try it. Mrs. Lycan, emo-kid, Aaron, Terri- you guys go with Gene. Mr. Lycan, Melissa, Blond-y, small-boy, and Y/N are with me. Small boy, stay with Y/N. Got me?"

Vylad nods, "The name's Vylad."

"Alright, whatever, small-boy." She smirks and starts leading our huge group.

I follow, trying to keep up. Gene waves his group ahead and pulls me aside. He hugs me tightly and kisses my head.


"Do exactly what Melissa tells you. Please, don't interfere with the fight... I don't want you in anymore pain than your already in." He begs.

I shake my head, "Gene- you known that if I see someone get hurt, I'm gunna interfere."

"Y/N please.... don't. It's not safe and you aren't healed yet..." He frowns and holds me in his arms.

"Oh, so you can fight an I can't? I'm worried about you getting hurt too..." I protest.

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "Shh.. I know. But I'll be fine. We have a plan. This plan will work. I'll see you soon. Okay?"

I nod slightly. I honestly don't want him to go fight. I just know he'll get hurt. But I push those feelings aside as I hug Gene once again and return to Vylad's side.

"How are you feeling?" He asks after we've been walking in silence for a while.

"Okay, I guess. I'm supposed to be drinking often- but I probably haven't consumed anything in an hour."

"Oh! That's not good. Here." He suggests, handing me a drink.

"Vylad," I begin. "I'll be okay. I just-"

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now