A Firm Explanation

978 39 13

I soon feel Gene's warm embrace around me. I'm already in a semi-subconscious state of mind, but I smile and fall asleep

My dreams make me re-observe the treacherous sight of our makeshift battle field with exaggerated violence. Instead of Sasha just being on fire, she is a flame- scorched is menacing. My dad doesn't only die a long death, he dies with a chokehold on my.

I wake up with a scream in a cold sweat. I'm not in the same place as before, I'm on the house's couch. Gene snaps upwards.


I tremble and try to avoid the subject, "Just a bad dream... when'd we get back...?"

"An hour or two ago... you fell asleep so I carried you back." He nods.

I smile a bit, "Alright, thanks."

He just nods again, "Why so formal?"

"I dunno... are you okay?" I ask, pretending to have forgotten the preceding events.

He smiles a bit, "Just a few bruises. I made it out alive."

The word "alive" made me frown. It made me think of all the people who died in the last few hours. Sasha, Zenix, Dad... I shake my head. I shouldn't feel sorry.

"I'll be right back." Gene says, "I have to go get something."

I nod, "Mkay."

"Whats up, Tiger?" I hear a voice smirk.

"Huh?" I glance around and see Zenix in the doorway and jump, "Ze-"

"Shh! Wouldn't want to alert your man-candy~" He laughs.

"Aren't you dead?" I whisper-shout.

"Do I look dead?" He laughs again.


"Listen, I know that you don't want me." He starts.

I chuckle, "You're right, I don't."

"Hah... anyway, what I don't know is why you didn't consider asking us why we did what we did." He says in a less maniacal tone.

I stay silent... I never did that.

"You see, your dad put us up to it. Threatened us that if we didn't ruin you, he would. And at least if we did, it would be on our terms. We wouldn't have to... torture you as much." He explains quickly.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"Now that your dad's out of the way... Sasha and I want a second chance." He finishes.

"Uhm..." I stutter. My conscience was telling me I should. After all, based on his explanation- it wasn't their fault. "F-Fine.. bring Sasha with you and come a-at... 8:30. O-Okay?"

He nods, "Thank you Y/N. You won't regret it."

Zenix leaves and Gene enters with a box in his hands. "What's that?"

"Well, babe.... it's a box~"

"Well, babe, what's in the box?" I say mockingly.

"Pictures and stuff." He shrugs.

I laugh, "Definitely clears things up."

"Pictures of us." He laughs as well.

I open it and see a picture of us on Halloween. "Cuuuttte."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now