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Update! :3

So, today wad probably the worst day I've had in a long time:

•I got to school and the depression hit me full swing when my friends started excluding me.

•Everyone in 1st and 2nd period wouldn't leave me alone. They kept asking me if I was okay, and instead of my normal reply: "I'm fine.", I actually said no for once.

• In choir, one of my friends who had previously been ignoring me noticed I was acting depressed and asked me what was wrong. I told her I was fine: but I wasn't. I only said it so I wouldn't cause drama.

•This one requires a lot of explaining. In fourth hour (accelerated math), ny teacher has our chairs in groups of four at tables. Usually, my only friends sit with me at one. Those friends being friend one (she was involved in excluding me), friend two (she spread rumors about me), and friend A's cousin (he's just chill). I had been sick on Friday, so I wasn't at school. I guess while I was gone, they let Friend A's cousin's crush/friend b's best friend sit there. Today I walked in, a bit excited beings I'd get to sit with some funny people, and... she was in my seat. I had to sit alone with two guys. Also, in 4th hour is lunch. Well, before this, my friends from the table where I couldn't sit had realized I was upset. BUT AT LUNCH... they acted like they didn't even care and didn't save me a seat. So, I was stuck sitting with those two guys for the rest of the period.

•Fifth was fine.

•6th period is gym for me, and I was in a lot of physical pain. My ankles hurt, my head hurt, my knee hurt, etc. No one really cared. Three people came up two me:
1- A girl, we'll call her C, asked me if I was okay. Her words were, "Are you okay? You've been depressed here lately."
Response: I shook my head, "I don't wanna talk about it."

2- A boy, friend A's cousin, we'll call him J. He said, "*my name* I'm sorry for math class. *his crushes name* wanted to sit with us and we didn't know you were back at school. Are you okay?"
Response: "It's okay."
J: "I know its not. But you didn't answer my question."
Response: "I don't wanna talk about it."

And 3- My friend D wouldn't quit bothering me.

The day has just been really crappy, any advice on how to fix things for tomorrow? :3

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