Just Peachy

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I scream into my pillow, "GENE, I HATE YOU!"

He sighs and walks into the room again. "I'm sorry... but is it really my fault?"

"YES, IT IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT." I look up and glare at him.

"In my defense, it takes two to tango..." He coughs, realizing his mistake. "Look on the bright side, this should bring us closer...?"

I mimic a finger gun and shoot myself in the head. "I feel like dying already."

"C'mon, babe, can pregnancy be that bad?"

"YES, YES IT CAN!!" I whine.

"I'm sorry, honey." He frowns.

I flop back down onto the pillow.

Gene's POV

Hormones, yeesh. This morning when Y/N found out that she was pregnant, we were both jumping for joy. I know she's ecstatic about this, she just has her doubts... and her hormones.

Since our celebratory scream-session this morning, she's basically just cries and screamed at me.. wonderful. I need to be a good husband through this, so I invited Sasha and Zenix over. Maybe that will perk her up...?

Melody shuffles into our room, "Is mommy okay?"

I freeze up. We probably shouldn't tell her just yet..

"Yeah, sweetie, your mommy is fine. She just... has a headache!!"

"Oh, okay! I'm gunna go play!"

I nod and sit on the bed next to Y/N and run my fingers through her hair. "Mm.."

The doorbell rings. I get up to answer it, no doubt that it's Sasha and Zenix.

Zenix's POV

Gene opens to door wearing jeans and a MCR t-shirt. He invites us into his ever-clean home.

A little girl wearing a pink skirt runs downstairs. "AUNT SASHA!"

This little girl, who's obviously their daughter, hugs Sasha.

"Where's Y/N?" I ask.

As if on cue, she walks downstairs wearing a pair of really short shorts and a tight t-shirt with her hair pulled up into a messy bun...

"Sasha, hi! Zenix... your nose.. er, follow me into the kitchen. We'll get that cleaned up.." She scrunches her nose.

I watch her as she walks away towards her kitchen. Sasha taps me on the back, and I snap back to reality and follow her.

She already as a wet rag. "Pinch your nose and tilt your head back."

I do as she asks, laughing in embarrassment in the process. In a matter of time, the bleeding stops. She takes a warm rag and wipes the blood off of my face.

"All better!!" She smiles. "Need some water?"

"Thanks, and sure." I smile back at her.

Gosh, it's crazy to imagine how I still have feelings for her after these many years. She's just so caring, yet independent and just.. amazing.

Gene's POV

"Well, Sasha... how are you..?" I ask, awkwardly.

She smiles, "I'm great! How about you?"

"I'm... peachy." I sigh.

Hihi!! THIS BOOK IS COMING TO END IN A MATTER OF CHAPTER... but there'll be a three-quel. Yay! My books are a popular saga! :)

And, there'll be another Gene x Reader book-series thingy coming out soon, completely not related to this, so don't be confused. And I need your guys' help to get it on it's feet and up and running and popular and such.

It's about Y/N, obviously. She's probably gunna be Laurence's sister...


The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now