Turtles and Old Men

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Before this chapter begins, I wanna say... YALL SHOULD READ FaithChirdon1859 's "Why Me" CUZ IT GIVES ME THE FEELS... ITS ALSO AWESOME. YOU GO GIRL :3

I lay down on the couch, basking in the pain. Gene walks in with some pain relievers. I shoot up, despite the urge to just lay down and let the pain cover me like a blanket.

He laughs a bit. His smile warms my heart. "I'm glad to see you're awake. Feeling better."

"I feel mobile." I shrug.

He gives me the pills and a glass of water. "Well, thats good."

"Yep." I hand him the medicine back. "I don't want it... but thanks anyway."

"You sure?" He sighs.

I nod and push up off the couch. It's been a while since I've stood, so I fall forward. Gene hastily catches me and we're both laughing hysterically by the time we both hit the floor. I didn't make direct impact, but Gene did. I'm just laying on top of him.

"You absolutely sure you're okay?" He asks.

I nod, "Mhm."

"Up for a walk?" He asks.

I smile. "YEAH!"

"Welp, go get ready." He laughs a bit.

I run upstairs and put on a pair of jean shorts and a white crop top. I made sure it didn't show the cut which, luckily, was on my upper-back. I grab my pale-blue flip flops and pull my hair up into a messy bun.

I slide down the banister and land on the floor in front of Gene. "LETS GOOOO!"

He laughs and drags me out the door and onto the beach. I giggle and gaze out at the ocean. Gene and I are silent, just enjoying each other's company.

We swing our arms and hold each other's hand.

"GENE! A TURTLE!!" I squeal and point to the sand where a green shell inches towards the ocean.

He chuckles, "Cute."

I notice a man standing a couple yards down the beach staring at us. A normal person wouldn't think too much of it. You know, I was just screaming so I probably grabbed a lot of unwanted attention. Still though, I'm a paranoid person.

I nudge Gene and tilt my head in the man's direction to inform him of the strange occurrence. He shrugs.

"Just keep walking, it's probably nothing." He tells me.

I nod. "Actually, can we watch the turtle? He's really cute."

"I mean, you could..." He flirts, "But there's an even cuter thing right here."

"Where? I don't see anything." I smirk.


I chuckle and kiss his cheek. "I'm kidding~"

"I hoped you were." He smiles brightly.

I laugh and observe the turtle slowly making it's way to the water. I want to help it, but I know I shouldn't bother it.

I'm so fascinated with the turtle that I don't notice Gene glaring at someone.

"Ahem." He clears his throat.

I snap back into reality and glance in the general direction of Gene's death stare. I see that man from before standing about 3 feet away.

"Uh.. hi?" I scrunch my nose up. He smells like fish.

"Hi. You mustn't of heard me, I just wanted to compliment you on your appearance." He smile.

He seems pretty old-ish. Early forties maybe?

"Er.. thank you?"

"No problem, is this your brother?" He asks. "Your dad?"

Gene stands up and rolls up his sleeves. "YOU'RE GLAD I'M NOT HER BROTHER. BUT I CAN STILL BEAT YOUR FAT A-"

"Gene, calm down." I laugh and stand up as well. "And no, he's my husband."

"Husband? Aren't you a little young?" He tilts his head.


I laugh again, "Chill, Gene. I've got this."

"Got what?" The man questions.

"Nothing. Wanna swim?" I ask him.

"Y/N!!" Gene growls.

I wink at him, "Shh.. I'll only be a few minutes baby."

He crosses his arms. The old man takes of his shirt and I shove him into the water.

"FLIP OFF!!!" I yell at him and turn to Gene. "Shall we continue?"

Gene bursts out laughing, "OH MY IRENE!"

"Psh, did you really think I was gunna let some random-old-pervert flirt with me?" I ask.

"NO BUT-" He laughs harder and I smile.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now