Air Sickness

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I curl up into a ball on the plane seat. I've always hated traveling in general- but flying? That really sucks. Gene tucks my hair behind my ear.

"You okay, baby?" He frowns.

I shrug, "Air sick."

He plants a kiss on my head. "Need anything?"

I shake my head. "I'm f-"

I bolt upwards and dart towards the small bathroom in the back of the private jet.

I may have forgotten to go into detail... Mr. Lycan, Aaron's dad, invited us down to Starlight Wonderland. We rented a house, but he graciously payed for transport and tickets.

Anyways, I lean over the toilet and just- vomit my guts out into it. I hear footsteps behind me as I wipe the vomit from my lips.

"Are you okay?" Gene says, hugging me from behind.

I shake my head. "I-I just.. travel sickness.. t-tired.. n-need sleep.."

Gene nods and picks me up, carrying me out of the bathroom. He lays me on a seat and sits next to me. 

I curl up in a ball and sulk. He shakes his head and frowns. "Stretch out, it should help."


"Y/N it's fine.." He says, something different from the happiness in his voice earlier.

"Gene... are you okay?" I ask, ignoring his suggestion.

"Just stretch out, Y/N. I want you to feel better.." He orders, his voice hostile.

I don't say anything else. He is obviously ticked off. Is it because I threw up? Did I say something?

I stretch out and lay my head on my lap. He sighs and closes his eyes tightly.  Because of the silence, I begin to think.

Why did Mr. Lycan invite us here? It's not like we're close to the family or anything. We aren't too close to Aaron. I'm pretty sure Gene and Aaron don't even like each other...

I sigh and eventually drift off into sleep.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now