The Reason

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I eat dinner at the table with Madison and Gene feeling like a child. Gene made me come downstairs. He literally took me down here and made me eat dinner when I was planning on just not eating at all..

Gene clears his throat, "So.."

I look up and send him a glare. "So?"

Madison twirls the fork in her spaghetti awkwardly...

"Uhm, I got a call from Zianna earlier.." Gene finally says.

I look up from my food, "And?"

"Who's Zianna?" Madison asks.

"My mom." I say with a mouthful.


"Well... Garroth, Zane, and Vylad are on the island...!"

I spit out my food, "What?!"

"And they are...?"

"My brothers." I glare at her. "Where are they?!"

"At the Lycan's house, thats where they're staying."

I hop up from my chair, "Cya!"

"Y/N, wait!" Gene yells after me but I ignore him.

I'm pure bliss. I run out the door and the road.

"Y/N!!!" Gene yells after me. "I WANT TO TALK TO YOU- first..."

I'm already at the door, knocking ecstatically. Mrs. Lycan opens the door.

She smiles warmly, "Oh, hello sweetheart."

I force myself to be calm, "Hi Mrs. Lycan. I was kinda wondering if I could see my brothers, Gene said they were here and..-"

"They're unpacking darling, why don't you head back home and I'll send them to your house later."

"Oh... I understand... Thank you, Mrs. Lycan."

She smiles and shuts the door. I walk across the street: a bit let down that I can't see my brothers yet- but overall I'm happy that they're even here.

Gene opens the front door of the house for me. I decide to try and be a little nicer and listen to what he had to say; even if it may not be something I'd be delighted to hear.

"Gene," I take a deep breath. "What did you need to say?"

"I better not tell you here... follow me." He says and I nod.

He walks upstairs and towards a window.

I raise an eyebrow, "Wha-"

"Hold on tight." He hugs my waist and stands on the windowsill.


Gene climbs up onto the roof. It's a short distance, but still terrifying nonetheless.

"GAH!" I fling my arms around him. "HOW THE HECK-..WHAT THE HECK- ..WHY ARE WE HERE?!"

He chuckles and sits me next to him on a flat portion of the slanted roof. I scream in fear of falling and flail my arms. He hugs me to him.

"I promise you won't fall." He smiles.

I nod slightly, "O-Okay... why are we up here?"

"I just thought it would be a better place to talk. It has nice scenery, and secrecy, too." He gestures towards the horizon.

"Scene- OH MY IRENE!! THATS BEAUTIFUL!!" I scream.

He laughs, "Mhm, I thought you'd like it."

I stare out at the sunset on the tidal-blue ocean. The colors reflect on it, making a stunning array of colors mixed with the blue. There are almost no words to describe it... It truly is a beautiful sight.

"Anyway, I needed to tell you real reason Madison is here.."

"What is it?" I ask.

"She has magiks and..." He inhales sharply, "I wanted her here to protect you..."

"From what?"

"From what?" He laughs, "Let me see... Terri, Zenix, Sasha, me."

"Well, yeah- but you? Gene, you're about as menacing as a puppy." I laugh.


I kiss his cheek, "I'm sure they are. And I'm also sure that I can protect myself."

He gets back to the point. "Please Y/N, just give it a chance. Terri, Zenix, and Sasha are insane. Madison will stay for a week or so to help protect you: then it'll just be you and I. Mkay?"

"Fine, fine." I sigh.

He pulls my closer and kisses me. It's been a while since we've done that- yet it's just as magical as the first time.

"Let's get inside. Garroth would flip if he walked by te house and saw this." I say.

"Yeah, true.." Gene sighs, "Even though we're married and all.. He's kinda insane."

I laugh. "Yeah, but he has good intentions."

Gene hugs me tightly and jumps down to the windowsill. I clutch his arm as he does. He sits down inside and then he climbs in.

"We should do that more often." I smile.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now