Short Argument, Big Meaning

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I blink and stare at Gene. "Huh?"

"I'll leave you two be for a bit.. My room's on the second floor, 3rd door?" Madison asks.

Gene nods to her and she runs up the stairs.

"Really Gene? This our honeymoon, and you invited ANOTHER GIRL here?!" I sigh loudly.

"Look, Madison needed somewhere to stay. So of course, I had to let her." Gene explains.

"Or you didn't." I point out.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Please be nice."

"Whatever." I scoff.

Gene sighs loudly. "You okay?"

"This is fine. Everything is fine. I'm fine. Peachy. Perfect. Sanguine. Joyful. Perfectly ecstatic. Yeah, I'll just go up to bed." I spit and stomp upstairs.

"Y/N wait!" He wraps his arms around my waist.

"Oh, is that how it is? Turn me on and turn the argument off? Well, ya know what? You can kiss me, you can hug me, you can do anything you want, but your actions have as much meaning as your relationship with her. You decide how to get around that one." I stomp on his foot and run upstairs.

Im afraid that won't make sense, let me explain. If Gene says his relationship with Madison is nothing, then his actions mean nothing. If he says that his actions have meaning, then it means he likes her.

Short chapter, I know. I'm just dealing with certain paperwork. Am I the only one who loves it like... OMIGOSH PAPERWORK! I fill it out for my mom whenever we go to the doctors or something xD



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