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That night, I slept in Gene's arms. He had a tight hold around me all through the night, so I have a feeling he didn't sleep. To be honest, I didn't either.

We both got up at the crack of dawn. We sat in the kitchen drinking our coffee and just staring at the window.

I miss Melody.. I know it sounds a bit dramatic, I had only had her for a few hours after all. But she was still my daughter, nonetheless.

Gene stands up and kisses my cheek, "Everything's gunna be okay."

I nod, knowing that was a lie. "Where are you going?"

"To ask the neighbor if they've seen her." He shrugs.

"Alright." I hug him.

He walks out the door. I watch him walk down the street to the neighbor's houses. I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"Well well well," I hear an unfamiliar voice chuckle. "Look likes lover boy finally left."

I look up. "Who are you?"

I see a werewolf with blue hair and eyes. "I'm not anyone important to you."

He walks up behind me. "Now how can I go about this..."

He tapes my mouth shut from behind and ties my arms and legs together with rope. I turn around a glare at him.

I start fidgeting around. "Don't worry princess, this'll all be over soon."

He covers my eyes with something and drags me out the back door into a car with blacked out windows.


I jerk against the ropes as he shoves me into the car. "This shouldn't be a long ride, princess."

I kick the door with both of my feet as he drives. I jump around in the backseat and try to yell, but I'm muted.

"Don't fret sweetheart, you'll see a few familiar faces soon."

We pull into a drive way and he yanks me out of the car. He pushes me inside and I hear a familiar voice.

"HEY! I though my orders were to treat her with respect." The voice scolds.

"I tried, but this princess wouldn't cooperate." The blue haired wolf says.

I jerk around and try to yell.

"Y/N, calm down. I'll treat  you right." The voice picks me up and carries me somewhere. I'm sat on what I can imagine is a bed.

The blindfold is taken off me and I see Zenix. I glare at him. I look around. I'm in a windowless room. He gently pulls the tape off my mouth.

"Hello beautiful." He caresses my cheek and I jerk backwards.

"Let me go Zenix!"

Zenix laughs and shakes his head. "Sorry cutie, but this is the only way Gene and I can work something out."

"Where's my kid?!" I shout. I have a funny feeling he has her.

"Oh she's heading to Chicago with your father." He shrugs.

"WHAT?!" I yell.

"That was the only way he'd tell me your address, babe. Don't worry, she'll probably be back. Ya know, if Gene doesn't screw up."

"Gene's gunna find me! You won't get what you want!" I attest.

"Keep telling yourself that sugar." He winks and unties my arms and legs. Then he walks out and locks the steel door.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now