Sasha and Zenix

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Dumplings :3

"BAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I burst out laughing at a baby picture of Gene.

His face flushes, "HOW'D THAT GET IN THERE?!"



"Hah... I have one question though... What's with the frog costume?" I ask, my laughter dying down.

He sighs, "My mom used to dress Dante and I up on random occasions."

"Cute~" I giggle and kiss his cheek.

He smiles and hugs me. "Good to know. I probably should've rented a frog costume instead of a tux."

I laugh, "Funny. But you'd probably be out of control with all the flies that were there."

"Psh, whatever."

I smile, "Hey, Gene?"

"Hm?" He smiles too.

"We have some... uhm... company over tonight." I say.

"Who it is?" He asks.

"You'll find out... later." I nod.


I hang upside down off the couch and kick my legs.

*technically difficulty- writers block. SO LETS TIME SKIPPP*

There's a knock on the door. "WHA-" I fall off the couch and land on my back, but I stand up and run over to the book. "Hello?"

Sasha and Zenix wave from outside the doorframe. They smile sheepishly. Sasha has a dark-purple hoodie on with some khaki shorts and Zenix has a red flannel and jeans on. I wave them in.

Gene is in the kitchen, so I don't have to worry about that for a solid 5 minutes. "Hey guys. Gene is making some dinner."

"Hey. You look nice Y/N." Sasha smiles.

"Thanks." I grin. I don't really think that I do. I just have a pair of white shorts and a baby-blue shirt.

"No problem. Does Gene know we came...?" Sasha asks

"Uh..." I laugh nervously, "Nope. I figured I'd tell him now so he wouldn't have time to object...!"

Zenix laughs, "Okay then. Let's go."

I escort them into the kitchen. "Heyyy Gene!"

"Hey, are the guests here yet?" He asks, stirring the sauce for the spaghetti with his back to me.

I laugh awkwardly, "Um.. yeah!"

"Cool!!" He taps the spoon onto the rim of the pot and sits it on the counter. He turns around, "Who- ZENIX?! SASHA?!"

"Calm down... Zenix explained that my dad made them and-"

"HOW ARE YOU TWO ALIVE?!" He asks. I don't sense anger in his voice, just surprise.

Sasha coughs, "Gene... we're immortal? Duh...?"


"Not... exactly immortal.. I guess. Just.. can't be killed violently? I mean, we die. But like... of age." Zenix explains.

"Oh... I didn't know that... How did that come to be?" I ask.

"Shadow Knights." Zenix answers.

"Oh.. but I was a Shadow Knight. How come I don't have to same stuff you guys-"

"Y/N. You were part of a club... Not an actual Shadow Knight." Sasha chuckles.


Gene grumbles, "Either way, why are they here?"

"They wanted a second chance."

"Third chance, you mean?" He scoffs.

I sigh, "Give them a chance, please..."

He groans. "Fine! Whatever. Dinner's almost done."

"Great!" I smile. "Do you guys like spaghetti?"

"Mhm!" Sasha giggles.

"Yeah, I guess." Zenix nods.


I'm being productive, yay :D

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now