Going Home

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Gene zips up the last bag full of stuff. Garroth, Zane and Vylad flew home a few days ago. Today, we're flying home.

Gene puts the bag in the trunk and walks back in. "Are you ready?"

I nod my head and stay silent. He takes my hand and we walk out to the car. I climb in. We start driving away from the house that seemed perfect when we first arrived. Now, it's going to be reoccurring in my nightmares.

I can't help but notice that ever-since mom... died.., my narrative voice inside my head.. has been ever-so bland. There's no flare anymore. Just a monotoned, sadistic, shell of what it used to be.

Then, I remember what my mom always sang to me when I was young.

Before I know it, I'm opening the car door and running out onto the road. The rain pours onto my head. I've only been out here for 5 seconds and I'm drenched.

"Y/N!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Gene yells, parking the car. We're only on a minor road, so there aren't even any cars, so he shouldn't be given a ticket or anything.

I whirl around in the rain, letting it calm my soul. I scream at the top of my lungs, "THE WINS CAN CARRY ME AWAY AND THE WATER CAN DROWN ME, BUT IRENE, I'LL ALWAYS LIVE ON."


I chuckle to myself. Half of the humor is from the memory, the other half is in sheer craziness.



Gene's POV

I sigh as Y/N twirls out in the rain. She's gunna get sick..

But, I can tell that this is helping her, so I sit back and watch.


After a few minutes, I climb back into the car.

"Better?" Gene asks.

I smile a bit and nod.

"Great." He starts driving again.

~•~•~Time Skip~•~•~

We arrive at the airport. Gene and I take the luggage (two bags each) and go through security.

The plane ride was pretty bearable- except for the kid kicking my seat and the flight nausea.

I sigh and lean on Gene's shoulder once we get home. Melody sits on the floor, playing with her dolls halfheartedly. I feel like a bad mom for not talking to her... but I can't bring myself to talk to anyone about it.

I find myself falling into a sleep as I stress over my parenting skills.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now