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Gene bombards into the Lycan's house carrying me because I'm too queasy to say otherwise. Mrs. Lycan looks up at us. Honestly, it's kinda weird and I hate to intrude... but I don't actually have much of a say in the situation.

"G-Gene.. I-I'm f-" I throw up in my mouth.

"You are not fine... Mrs. Lycan, please help?" Gene asks.

She gives us concerned smile, "Can she walk? If so, Y/N please follow me upstairs. If not, Gene can take you; but I want to speak with you privately."

"Wha?!" Gene protests.

I squirm out of arms and carefully stand. The blood rushes to my head and the room spins faster than a tornado around me. I walk upstairs slowly, certainly looking like I'm intoxicated or something.

She gives me a motherly smile and pats a place on the couch next to her. I try to appear normal as I walk, but I trip a few times before actually sitting down.

"So, Gene told me that you were pale, and felt faint, and I'm assuming you're queasy.." She begins.

I cock an eyebrow, "How-"

"Motherly instincts. Anyway, I think I know whats wrong.. But I wanted to discuss it privately with you."

"Hm? What is it?" I ask, suddenly intrigued.

She stifles a laugh, "Have you and Gene... you know..."

She does an absurd hand gesture that I know all too well from my high school days. (*cough* 👉👌) I laugh and my cheeks flush.

"N-NO WE HAVEN'T, MRS. LYCAN!!" I choke on my spit as I laugh.

"Oh dear! I thought you were pregnant!" She laughs along with me.

"NO, I'M NOT." I chuckle, my laughter dying down.

"Good, good.. What did you have to eat last?" She asks, returning to the original topic.

"Uhm... a baked potato with cheese and bacon..." I say, somehow embarrassed by my food choice.

She screws up her face, "When was the last time you drank, and what was it?"

I struggle to remember, "I think it was water... hm... about... 4, 5 days ago?"

I notice how dry my throat is.. Crap.

"Dehydration, definitely." She frowns.

I sigh, "Anything I can d-"

I rush to the bathroom-which luckily was only a few steps away- and hurl into the toilet. I flush, wipe my mouth, wash my hands, and walk about.

"S-Sorry... about that..." I tremble.

She shakes her head, "Don't apologize, darling. You're sick."

She helps me walk downstairs and returns me back to the safe arms of my husband.

He sighs in relief, "What's the matter?"

"She's severely dehydrated. She said she hasn't drank anything in about 4 days. Luckily, she's alive. Take her home, lay her in bed, give her lots of water. Make sure she takes at least a sip every 5 minutes. It will take some time to get better in her case. If the water is too hard to keep drinking, give her a popsicle or something before handing her the water again."

Gene nods, his face pale- undoubtably frightened with all the responsibility.

"Take care!!" She smiles and Gene carries me home.

"Here goes nothing.." I hear him mutter.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now