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7 Years Later...

"Mommy, mommy!" A little girl says as she runs up to me.

"What, Alexandria?"

She smiles brightly. "I drew you a picture...!"

"Oh, really!"

The brunette girl hands me a brightly colored picture. "See! It's me, Kee-gy, Daddy, you, and Mel-Mel!"

"Did Kee-gy help you?" I ask.

"Yeah! He drew the sun and the grass!"

"I love it! Did you show Mel?"

"No, she's mad at me." Alex frowns.

"Let's go talk to her, okay?"

I hold my daughter's hand as we walk upstairs. I knock on Melody's door.

She groans, "Come in."

I glance at my teenage daughter. "Hi, Melody."

"Hey mom."

"I heard that you were mad at Alex."

"Yeah! She drew on my homework!" She sasses.

"Alex... why did you do that?"

"I thought it would be pretty!" Alex pouts.

"Well," I say. "Mel-Mel didn't like it."

"Sorry, Mel-Mel.." She frowns.

Melody ruffles her hair, "It's all cool, my little pint sized friend. I wasn't gunna turn it in anyways."

I smile and walk downstairs again. "Kee-gy? Where are you?"

I hear shouting, "I'm outside, mommy!"

I run out the backdoor and see Kegan playing in his sandbox. I smile, "Hiya Kee-gy."

"Looky mommy! It's our house!" He smiles.

"Wow! It looks just like it!" I say, praising the mound of sand.

"Yeah! When I grow up, I'm gunna build our house on Mars! And you, Mel-Mel, and Daddy can come live on it!" He declares excitedly.

"What about Alex?" I ask.

"She wants to live on the sun. So I'm gunna build her a house filled with horses and snow!"

"Thats very nice, Kee-gy. But wouldn't you miss her?"

"We can drive over on the holidays." He plans.

I laugh. "Oh, alright."

I hear the front door of the house open. My son and I both run to the door and yell, "Daddy!"

Gene blinks and looks at me with a weird expression. He coughs, "Um, hi Kee-gy."

I realize what I did. My face turns red. "I-I'm gunna go start dinner!"

"I'll come help. Kee-gy, why don't you go play with Mel and Alex?" He smiles and gives him a fist bump.

He nods and dashes upstairs. Gene bolts after me as I make Usain-Bolt to the kitchen. When he catches up, he hugs my waist from behind and whispers into my ear. "Everyone loves it when daddy gets home."

I blush and push him away, "I made a mistake! Don't tease me!"

He laughs and kisses me passionately. I kiss back. He sits me on top of the corner and we sit there, intertwined and kissing, for what seems like ever. Then, I hear my child clear her throat and we pull apart.

"Mom... dad?" Melody asks, disturbed.

We both laugh.

I love my family.

I love my life.

And what seemed like the Perfect Two turned into the Perfect Five.

And you know what?

I wouldn't trade that for the world.

And that's the end of the series that made me 'popular' on Wattpad! Its sad because I loved writing this, but all great things must come to an end.

Thank you everyone! Whether you've been with me since Day 1, or have joined in along the way- thank you.

I encourage everyone to, please, read my other books and stay updated.

Thank you for joining me on my adventure!


The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now