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After I eat some croissants, Gene throws my over his shoulder again.


He laughs and carries me upstairs and I flail around. "I don't see why you're complaining about not walking."

"I HAVE FEET FOR A REASON!!" I groan and he sits me on the bed.

He looks at me up and down, "Beautiful."

Before I can give my well-known sarcastic comment: "Pfft..", Gene pins me down onto the bed.


He kisses me passionately and I feel the sparks fly as if it were the first time again. I slip my hands up into his hair and find myself playing with it as we continue. I grip his arm as he falls down directly on top of me. I push him away, not wanting things to get too heated.

"Gene, I'm tired~" I whine.

He frowns, "Fiiine."

He climbs off the bed and I climb up and under the blankets. Gene climbs in beside me and takes me into his arms. He kisses my forehead. I smile faintly and fall asleep.


I'm walking though a dark forest, glancing around frantically. The wind howls in my ears causing an eerie aura. I shiver and hug my arms.

"Hello beautiful~" A musical voice sing-says in my ears.

I whip around and slap the person in the face. "WHAT THE HECK?!"

He rubs his cheek, "No need for violence."

It was Terri. I feel myself fuming. Gene told me that I needed protecting from him. I don't really know why, but he sure is annoying enough to kill.

"Terri." I groan, "I'm not interested."

"Sure~?" He coos.

I nod my head. "Positive. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE! I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY!"

He chuckles at me, "Do you?"

"Yes! Why are you questioning everything I say?!" I yell, frustrated.

He snaps his fingers and I feel the spray-bottle in my pocket vanish, "Why am I?"


"Why should I?"


He laughs, "Are you sure it isn't just my charm that's frustrating you?"

I scream once more and Terri pins me to the ground.


My eyes flash open. The room is lit my the flashes of light from the TV. I feel a pair of strong arms around me. I glance at the digital clock, 11:47 pm.

Gene is scrolling through the different channels; the remote in one arm and holding me with the other. He glances down at me.

"Mornin', well- it's almost midnight but.." He shrugs. "Why'd you wake up?"

"I-...uh..." I find it hard to muster up the words even though I thought I was comfortable talking to Gene.

"You... uh.. what?" He mocks me.

I avoid the question, "Why aren't you asleep?"

"Couldn't fall asleep. Now," He picks me up and puts me in his lap as if I'm a child. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

(I accidentally wrote 'Straddles me like I'm a kid.' In the first draft xD)

"I... er... had a bad-..ish dream.." I confess, choking on my words.


"U-Uh... Terri..." I admit.

Gene stands up and my legs are around his waist. I blush, this was awkward.

"Huh? What was he doing..?"

"B-Bluntly flirting... and er-... at the end he kinda... ya get m-my gist.." I stutter.

He sits back down. "Oh."

"H-Hey Gene..?" I ask.

I must've interrupted his train of thought, "Yessum?"

"Can... w-we go... go on a walk?" I request.

He smiles, "Of course. Get your shoes and I'll get our jackets, okay?"

I smile with relief. "Okay."

We get ready and step out the door. The cold air of the night hits me like a gunshot. I'm only wearing a thin jacket. The eerie-ish feeling of the night only further reminds me of my dream, which was the opposite effect that I wanted this walk to have.

Gene must notice me shivering because we takes off his jacket and hands it to me, "Take it."


"You're cold." He says. "You should put it on."

I awkwardly take the jacket and put it on. It feels like we're weird little middle-schoolers or something. Like, for Irene's sake, we're married.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I almost go flying forward but I keep my legs weighted to the ground. Instead I glance nervously behind me while clutching Gene's arm.

"Huh- TERRI?!" I yell.

Theres a tense silence as Gene turns around. This is just like the dream. It has so much in common it's scaring me to the point I might faint. The only differences are we're on a sidewalk and Gene's with me, but that does make me feel a little better about the situation.

To be continued... hehe. THIS WAS A LOOOONG CHAPTER FOR ME TO WRITE, YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOOOOO IDEA. This'll probably be the last one today.

:) Anyways, happy birthday -southserpent-

CAN I JUST... UGH. I'm such an idiot around my crush. I was joking around with hitting him lightly with my mini-purse and he's like, "Jeez whats in there?" And I, embarrassed, didn't respond. MY FREN WAS ALL LIKE, "Candy." Which was our code word for pads bc its that time of month. He said, "What kind?" And I said "Hershey's." THEN *cringes* MY FREN (btw she is my crushes cousin) WAS LIEK, "If you give me a fruit snack I'll get some for you." AND I WAS LIKE, "NONONO!!" But he gave us both fruit snacks so ma fren handed him a pad xD

He was like, "THIS ISN'T HERSHEYS!"

And his fren was all like, "OMIGOD WTF?"

Ma crush said, "What is this? A diaper?"

And my fren was like, "Uh, nah."

His friend, WHO IS A VERY EDUCATED BOY, was like- "Have you ever hears of periods?"

Annnd I explained it to him. At lunch.


The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now