No Touchy!

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Gene walks towards me and takes off the jacket. I'm blasted with coldness.

"G-Gene! ...It's c-cold!" I shout.

"I know, I know.. I've gotta do something though.." He says, biting his lip.

"Huh- ...A-Agh!" I stutter as Gene starts removing my clothes. "W-What.. a-are you d-doing?!"

"Mrs. Lycan told me to remove all wet clothing and you're soaked... I'm sorry!" He explains.

I sigh and shrug as he fully undresses me.


He covers his eyes and hands me the jacket again, respecting my privacy. I put it on and zip it off.

"Is it okay to.. uh- uncover?" He asks.

I nod. "Y-Yeah.. it is..."

He uncovers his eyes. "I'm gunna get you some warm clothes, please stay awake..."

I nod and hug myself as he walks upstairs. I don't see how I could fall asleep, despite the overwhelming need to. All I have on is a jacket and I'm freezing.

Gene returns with a long sleeve shirt, sweatpants, and 'stuff'. "It was the warmest thing you packed..."

I nod. "Thank... y-you..."

He hands me the clothes and I stand up. The jacket is big enough the cover my 'goods' up. I instantly backwards, though- as I'm too weak to stand.

I groan. Gene smirks, "Need help?"

"You're enjoying... this, aren't y-you?" I sigh.

"Well, just trying to lighten the mood." He smiles slightly.

I frown, "Well... I do... need help... B-But don't be touchy!"

He laughs a bit and hugs me. I stutter, "H-Hey!!"

He lets go, "Oh sorry."

He slowly unzips the jacket and helps me stand. He slips on my 'stuff' despite my squirming and freaking out. He puts the shirt on me, then the pants, and finally the jacket. I zip it up and just stand there. Technically, I'm not standing. Gene is helping me.

He smiles, "See? That wasn't so bad."

"It wasn't.. bad.. f-... f-for you!"

He hugs me tightly, "Are you feeling better?"

"N-No! I'm... c-cold.. and t-t-... tired...!"

"You are breathing slowly.. you still have a weak pulse... I don't really want you to sleep right now..." He sighs.

"This'll... b-be... a l-long day.."

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now