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First off, I wanna thank these people for being awesome-


And second, I'ma vent.

I literally have no friends. I thought I did but-

*long sigh*

Two of my closest friends made plans right in front of my place and deliberately didn't invite me. They have been bragging about their sleepover all week to me while I'm over here trying to be a good friend saying stuff like:

"Oh that's cool!"

"Sounds like fun!"

"I bet your excited!"

Etc., etc... I feel pretty sad that they left me out and such. Now their having their sleepover and I called one of them on Snapchat to see what they were doing (cuz im home in my pjs  about idrk). As soon as she answered, she said: "OH CRAP! I can't talk right now! I'm gunna go to bed!"

I check my friend's snapchat story. They're dancing around the living room. I feel bad because I want them to have fun and I don't want to be the jealous friend. I don't want them to have to lie about the stuff they do together.

But, they do. And I feel bad for well, feeling bad about it.

Jeez, life is tough.

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now