On the Grass

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I love Ein so much guys, I'm sorry! ;-;
And I'm officially obsessed with Heathers again.

Gene's POV

I walk in, hand-and-hand with Melody. I automatically give Y/N a hug. She pushes me away. She's sitting on the couch, her arms crossed over her chest. I can't help but feel guilt when I look at her tear-stained face.

"Y/N, I'm really sorry..." I sigh.

Melody hugs her mom. She wraps her arms around her tightly. Y/N closes her eyes and hugs her back. I sit next to her.

"I understand why you're worried. I am, too. But, things will get worse if we don't fight." I explain to her.

She takes a deep breath. "Call Aphmau. Tell her to come get Melody."

I tilt my head. "Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am."

She rolls her eyes and smiles. "Hurry up, private."

Melody laughs. "I read about that! Army stuff!"

I ruffle her hair and call Aphmau. "Hey, Aph. Can you do me a favor and come pick of Melody? Things are too dangerous for her here."

I hang up on her. Of course, she said yes.

Time Skip brought to you by Poptarts

Brent's POV

It's 6:30, the battle should begin soon. Carter and I are standing, observing the woods. Who knows? Maybe they could come early. Either way, we're prepared.

I can't help feeling nervous, though. This fight may have a lot of casualties. I wouldn't know what to do if...

No. That won't happen.

But what if it did?

I sigh. "Carter..."

She turns to me. "Hm? Are you a bit drained? I could-"

I shake my head. "It's not that, it's just..."

I instinctively hug her tightly. I take in her scent, she smells like strawberries. I chuckle to myself, she'd flip if I told her that.

She blinks and wraps her arms around me. She lays her head on my shoulder. I run my fingers through her hair.

A brown haired boy walks up towards up. "You two, I just checked. There's no sign of them yet."

Carter drops her arms and turns to him. "Thanks for the information, Alec."

He grabs her hand and kisses it. "Anytime, ma cherie."

I growl and she smacks him. "Can you not?"

He laughs. "Sorry, sorry."

They stare at each other for awhile and burst out laughing. She hugs him. "I wish we could talk more, Alec."

I glare. "Who's this?"

"This is my great friend. His name is Alec. Alec, meet Brent. Brent, meet Alec."

He smiles. "Nice to meet you."

I keep a plain face. "Mhm. Well, I was kind of having a moment with her, so can you, ya know? Scram?"

Carter blinks. Alec chuckles, "Yeah, yeah. Sorry."

He walks past me and mutters in a low voice. "Just so you know, I'll also be trying to get on that."

He winks at Carter and walks into Gene's house. I take Carter into my arms again. Only, she doesn't hug back this time. She crosses her arms.

I sigh and kiss her cheek. "I'm sorry~"

She rolls her eyes. "Let's get back to work."

I sigh again. "Please, can we pretend he never showed up?"

She shakes her head. "Now's not the time."

She scouts the forest edges. When she doesn't see anyone, she sits in the grass and stares at the sky. I approach her and sit next to her.

"A lot on your mind?" I ask.

She nods a bit. We sit in silence for awhile and then she hugs me. I gasp and hug back. She lays her head on my shoulder.

I rub her back. "Hey, that was nice."

I hear a small cry coming from her and I freeze for a second. Then, I squeeze her. "Carter... everything is gunna be okay."

She hugs me tighter. "But... what if it's not? What if Alec or Y/N or.."

I lift up her chin. "Don't even think about saying me. I will never in a million years do that to you."

A tear rolls down her cheek and I gently wipe if off. She leans her head up and presses her lips against mine. I blink in surprise and close my eyes.

Very seldom does she make the first move, which is fine, but it makes you feel 10x better when you know she wants it to. I push her down onto the grass and kiss her passionately. I feel her gasp and she wraps her arms around my neck. I grip her hair and deepen the kiss.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I pull away and Carter's face is blood red.

Gene stifles a laugh. "Um, guys... Sorry to interrupt, but they're coming."

Y/N is behind him, laughing her guts out. I know she's laughing at us, but I can't help but smile. Why?

A) I lightened everyone's mood.

And B) I just kissed Carter for real. Not just one to keep me strong, she actually liked it too.

I'm seriously about to make a short story for Carter and Brent bc I love them so much. Whatdya think?

The Perfect Two//Gene X Reader Sequel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now